Modeling in Blender using m2mod


This tutorial will, hopefully, teach you to perform the M2<->M2i convertion in order to edit WoW models in Blender. Big thanks to @Vellear for teaching me.


Unfortunately, there are no tools yet that would allow you to edit an M2 directly (although @Skarn is working hard on that), so it has to be converted into an editable format and then converted back. That can be done with M2mod, and after you've read this tutorial, you will be able to perform this incredibly complicated algorithm on an expert level.

This method is confirmed to be working in Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria, and, possibly, in Warlords of Draenor. 

It has also been reported to not work in Legion, so I will soon edit this tutorial accordingly.

Tools and resources

The Technique


  1. Download everything listed in the "Tools and resources" section.
  2. Install Blender.
  3. Extract the archives of M2mod 4.6 and M2mod 4.5 (in different folders, obviously).
  4. In the extracted M2mod 4.6, there will be another archive inside called "M2Mod scripts 1.2 Blender". Move/copy it's contents into your Blender folder\2.77\scripts\addons\ (the default installation path is C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.77\scripts\addons).



  5. Proceed to Model Extraction.

Model Extraction

  1. Choose the model you want to edit. You can use WoW Model Viewer for that, but I can't make the tutorial that detailed.
    Let's say I want to edit Varian Wrynn's model to make his chin even more brutal.
  2. Open Ladik's MPQ Editor, select all the MPQs in your WoW\Data folder, tick "Merged mode" and press "Ok". Wait for the files to load.



  3. Find the location of the chosen model (in my case it is Creature\KingVarianWrynn). Extract the model and the .skin files related to it: select the files > press RMB > choose Extract > enter the desired directory > press "Ok" > wait for the files to extract.

  4. Proceed to M2->M2i Conversion.

M2->M2i Conversion

  1. Open the folder with M2mod 4.6 and launch M2ModRedux.exe.
  2. Choose the "Export" tab. In the InputM2 field browse the path to your extracted model and choose the .m2 file (in my case it's KingVarianWrynn.m2).



  3. Press "Go!". Wait for the Status to say "Export done".
  4. Proceed to Modeling.


  1. Open your Blender folder and run blender.exe.
  2. Go to File > User Preferences > Add-ons tab > find "Import-Export: Import: WoW M2 Intermediate (.m2i)" and "Import-Export: Export: WoW M2 Intermediate (.m2i)" > tick both of them > press "Save User Settings" > close the Blender User Preferences window.



  3. Go to File > Import > M2 Intermediate (.m2i) > find the converted model from M2->M2i Conversion, step 2 and press "Input M2i".




  4. Edit the model however you wish. 
    Through hard work and skill, I made Varian look even more brutal than before.




  5. Go to File > Export > M2 Intermediate (.m2i) > choose the path you want > press "Export M2I".




  6. Proceed to M2i->M2 Conversion.

M2i->M2 Conversion

  1. Open the folder with M2mod 4.5 and launch M2ModRedux.exe.
  2. In the InputM2 field browse the path to the original model (in my case it's KingVarianWrynn.m2).
  3. In the InputM2I field browse the path to your edited model (in my case it's KingVarianWrynn.m2i).
  4. In the OutputM2 files choose the path and name of the new model (I'll just replace the original KingVarianWrynn.m2).



  5. Press "Go!". There is no Status, so just wait.
  6. Proceed to Patching.


I assume you know how to compile a patch using Ladik's MPQ Editor.

Enjoy your edited model!




Edit 17/05/18:

As per popular demand, I will add a section with Legion modeling instructions within the two upcoming weeks.

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WOW! Seems to have worked, trying blender import now...

Nope, error in blender when importing .m2i

Here are the base .m2 and converted .m2i with .skin:!k101yJYb!IuEXK2e9g145EleMMvfY6YsYtQr7w4IEVGmV9gqWLMo

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1 hour ago, Lifty said:!k101yJYb!IuEXK2e9g145EleMMvfY6YsYtQr7w4IEVGmV9gqWLMo


Those are encrypted

I just got a fresh human female model from CASC explorer and managed to convert and import it without problems. Perhaps, you have an old version of the import script (did you use the one that comes with the converter that I linked?) or of blender itself.

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That makes sense I guess... could you upload the files that worked for you?
I'm using Blender 2.77/2.79 and using the M2Mod you linked of course.

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Just now, Lifty said:

That makes sense I guess... could you upload the files that worked for you?
I'm using Blender 2.77/2.79 and using the M2Mod you linked of course.


Here they are, though I suggest you do figure out what's wrong with your tools


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I get this error every time I try to import an .m2i
No difference between your file and mine, so I guess there is actually something wrong with my setup.
If it works for you, maybe you could also send me your blender setup?

Blender Error.jpg

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Okay, I will get 2.78 then and install the scripts from your archive. Hrm... maybe something is wrong with my python. I will reinstall it now. By the way which version do you use?

EDIT: Used the Blender 2.78 setup with updated python, still same error. I don't know why this keeps happening no matter what I do.

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actualy delete my second comment realised i was looking at the correct forum post any help would be apppreaciated

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5 hours ago, Xion Hearthem said:

Is there a way to do this but to older models upconvert to legion itself?

You'd have to use m2mod 4.8 to export in legion format. There might be other peculiarities, but I'm not the person to ask as I've never ever done anything in WoD or Legion

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So, i've got a similar issue to what has been brought up already. I am using both the newest version of Blender and the newest version of the M2Mod and have followed all the steps up to the importing into Blender to the letter. 

I have tried with both custom and raw extracted game models, it simply returns similar error logs. What am i doing wrong here?

Update: Am i using an old version of the importer? I'm using the one recommended in this tutorial, ones included in the 4.6.1 M2Mod folder.
I have all 3 of the addons (import, export, wowtools) enabled. Aside form digging through all the releases of M2Mod looking for a newer addon, idk what to do.

Update2: Solution? I had a look at suncurio's website and they had a section for the scripts, there was a newer version HERE. I would advice updating this tutorial with references to this for futureproofing. It appears the custom model did not like the armature model of blender but atleast everything imported.


Edited by wilderkitty
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ПРошу  смердокрыл подскажи, как можно  убрать эту ошибку конвертера м2 на м2i

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