[3.3.5a] - vlastní custom itemy


Vytvoření vlastního itemu (včetně displayID) není nic složitého a zde máte video návod, jak custom itemy vytvářet. Návod je starší než MC-Net, takže vybočuje z mých místních návodů a taktéž nepokrývá pár věcí, které se v ItemDisplayInfo.dbc nastavují a které můžete potřebovat. Pravděpodobně časem vytvořím novou, aktualizovanou verzi.

Ještě jedna věc, pokud textury convertnete do BLP za použití BLiPsteru se zaškrtnutým Clothing Texture, nepotřebujete ukládat textury v indexovaném módu, což dělá hodně věcí snazšími.


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I really like your backdrop, hey is it true that Czech people commonly lack a middle name? I had a very interesting math teacher in high school was from Czech Republic :-P

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hey is it true that Czech people commonly lack a middle name?

Surprisingly enough, a giant lot of people around the world lacks a middle name.

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hey is it true that Czech people commonly lack a middle name?

Surprisingly enough, a giant lot of people around the world lacks a middle name.

Okay, hmm this makes me very intrigued.. Is it actually the case that the majority of people lack a middle name?

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Okay, hmm this makes me very intrigued.. Is it actually the case that the majority of people lack a middle name?

Well, can't say for majority, but a big fraction, yes. What's so exciting about it - I don't know.

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About names: We have only first and last name. Middle names were used in past, but are considered obsolete nowadays, and like Смердокрыл said, middle names are in fact not that common 'round the world like they used to be. 

About title: It is not english, it is czech. There is itemy, not items. And its in čeština section, not in main section

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Well, I will rename thread then, to make it more clear, I don't want to confuse people.

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