
How to work with adt_template.blend to get your terrain from blender to game

So firstly you need to download the ObjToAdt tool from here. it's a java app so you also need to setup java on your PC. In the comment section of this tool you can find adt_template.rar so download it too and extract it somewhere.
When everything is ready run blender and open up adt_template.blend in it. You will see something like that:
So in the outliner panel you can see all of our objects and if you wanted to start sculpting your terrain then you need to follow those steps:
- Select object that named as Clear_Terrain_Template
- Switch to modifiers panel
- Set nomber of adts you want to have in a row (1)
- Set number of adts you want to have in a column (2)
- Hit apply on both modifiers
- Swith to Sculpt mode and start sculpting

When you are ready with your sculpting then you need to:
- Select ADT_TEMPLATE object (1)
- Make it visible (2)
- Go to modifiers panel again and in target select your sculpting. This time we don't need to apply this mod (3)

Now while holding ctrl drag ADT_TEMPLATE by X and Y to place it in needed position( better to do this in top view)

Then select all obects by pressing A key(two times actually, one for deselecting all and second to select all) and press H key to hide them. Then at the bottom you can see some script. Change 1 to 0 in it and press Run Script button. 256 obects will appear here. Select all of them (A key) and export to obj.chunks.thumb.png.c603ca6b1fe2cf4dd1de98cExport settings:export.thumb.png.ff23061bf9fcce2dbcd92cb

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A little note from me which you may want to add to the tutorial. Basically, Blender is only required for conversion and I did not manage to do proper sculpting in it. But you can use Mudbox or some other sculpting software you like to get the geometry and then just convert it to Blender for exporting according to our template.

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Thanks for this tool, and for this tutorial. But, I don't really understand how to... Yes, I'm little bit retard but... Look at this error... 


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