Fix corrupted Legion M2 (20810 build)

A little tutorial from me, about Legion M2. At the build 20810 or higher, M2 change. You just need to remove in hexa with 010 Editor this :


After that, you've this : 


Change M2 version (12 to 10)


And you get a working model for WoD.

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When I have time, I will write a script to do it faster. Thanks for this information.

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What? They are removed. People have to generate listfile. Without retroporting WoD modding is not possible. For example, you need to convert models to 3.3.5a to create maps in order to convert them back to WoD. How else would we do it if we have no retro-porting.

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The data this guide removes is the data for the models to work without file names. Removing it instead of adapting tools to use it is exactly the wrong way.

The only reason this can work is that we still know the file names from the list files. In a precious alpha build there were actually models that crashed the client as there were no file names and the MD21 files weren't pushed yet (death skeletons mainly). So in order to fix a Legion alpha build before this one, one actually had to add what you guys are removing here in order to be able to play when a worgrn died next to you.

I'm not sure if this will make it into Legion, but there isn't much left to completely drop file names as well as the hashes currently used for listfiles, finally forcing people to adapt, and as of what I know not even the two big datamining sites adapted yet. 


It it would be a glorious day.

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MD21 is just magic that indicates the new chunked file format. For now it contains nothing, then follows the usual MD20. So, for now it can be removed. But you are right, not adapting tools is the wrong way and it leads to nowhere. But what can we do? We have two problems: lack of programmers and some people who keep sources for old public tools private (even not those made by them personally). The first one is more or less solvable, but the second one is one of the reasons this community exists, we try to solve it. Thanks for your point though :)

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It contains various chunks. The list is on the wiki.

Also, you can't simply does what OP said. The animation sequences are a bit different. Setting 2 bytes to 00 at (begin of sequence offset) + 0x1E in each sequence should do the trick.

I written a command line converter tool that handle them pretty well. I'm fixing some bugs with Stan84 right now, it should be ready soon. Allowing retroporting AND "up-porting".

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It contains various chunks. The list is on the wiki.

Also, you can't simply does what OP said. The animation sequences are a bit different. Setting 2 bytes to 00 at (begin of sequence offset) + 0x1E in each sequence should do the trick.

I written a command line converter tool that handle them pretty well. I'm fixing some bugs with Stan84 right now, it should be ready soon. Allowing retroporting AND "up-porting".

Keep it up, man. I really love seeing someone caring about making tools. That's exactly what our little community needs now, besides promotion campaign and other important things.

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It contains various chunks. The list is on the wiki.

Also, you can't simply does what OP said. The animation sequences are a bit different. Setting 2 bytes to 00 at (begin of sequence offset) + 0x1E in each sequence should do the trick.

I written a command line converter tool that handle them pretty well. I'm fixing some bugs with Stan84 right now, it should be ready soon. Allowing retroporting AND "up-porting".

what wiki do you mean? I can't find the thing you speak of in the second paragraph in the wiki linked on top

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For example, you need to convert models to 3.3.5a to create maps in order to convert them back to WoD. How else would we do it if we have no retro-porting.

Best option would be a new version of noggit

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For example, you need to convert models to 3.3.5a to create maps in order to convert them back to WoD. How else would we do it if we have no retro-porting.

Best option would be a new version of noggit

Impossible, I guess. I have a litttle hope on Neo though. Noggit is quite messy in the code, so it is even hard to make it work on 3.3.5a properly. Though, if someone tries to do it, I will be glad.

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Impossible, I guess. I have a litttle hope on Neo though. Noggit is quite messy in the code, so it is even hard to make it work on 3.3.5a properly. Though, if someone tries to do it, I will be glad.

Is there any way to, maybe.. ehm.. like.. steal the official blizz map editor?

Edited by Смердокрыл

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Sure, get employed as a level designer. Steal a copy for us, make it public, get sued for violating the agreement you signed when applying for a job. Sounds like a nice working plan for us, what about you?

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what is the benifit for you ?

People will finally have to adapt to changes which will bring the community forward.

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but we have now enough problems and legion models look awsome cant waitt to see Sargeras model or kil'jaeden I work in wod and its hard to convert some creatures really dont want another problems

and if that happen many people will leave and that will kill the community

Edited by MR.Farrarie

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It contains various chunks. The list is on the wiki.

Also, you can't simply does what OP said. The animation sequences are a bit different. Setting 2 bytes to 00 at (begin of sequence offset) + 0x1E in each sequence should do the trick.

I written a command line converter tool that handle them pretty well. I'm fixing some bugs with Stan84 right now, it should be ready soon. Allowing retroporting AND "up-porting".

what wiki do you mean? I can't find the thing you speak of in the second paragraph in the wiki linked on top

Well, the WoWDev wiki :

I did put this as a note because I'm not 100% sure it's true (I have not checked the source, it's all empirical, I'm not a schlumpf-like reverse engineering warmachine, unfortunately).

My remark on the wiki :

--Koward (talk) 09:50, 18 December 2015 (UTC) In M2 v274 (Legion), it looks like blend_time has been divided in two uint16_t, and for standard animations the old blend_time is duplicated in both fields (ex : uint32 150 becomes two uint16 150). Maybe start and end blend_time values ? See Creature/GennGreymane/GennGreymane.m2 .

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Nice, but you can't reimplement these files to Legion, or you lose many, many geosets.

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