Common Errors & Solutions


In this post, which will slowly be expanded, I’ll be detailing a number of common errors encountered when working with WoW private servers and the tools used to work on them. This guide is targeted primarily for TrinityCore and Linux, but you can most-likely use a number of these solutions on other cores.

Before I go any further, if you’re not following the official TrinityCore guide to compile your server, then erase everything you’ve done so-far and follow it instead of whatever guide you’ve been using before.

There are a few things you should triple-check when trying to find a solution to your problem. They are as follows.

  • Ensure that you’ve correctly set-up your authserver.conf and worldserver.conf files. It’s very easy to mess these up if you don’t know what you’re doing.
  • Ensure that MySQL is running.
  • Ensure that no other instance of authserver or worldserver is running. On Windows you can use the taskmanager (CTRL + SHIFT + ESC) to end any running instances and on Linux you can run both pkill -9 authserver and pkill -9 worldserver to end any running instances of both authserver and worldserver. This is more-so an issue on Linux than it is on Windows.
  • If you have the ability to compile your server on Linux, and the knowledge to at-least use Linux, then don’t bother running your server on Windows. It’s much more difficult (at-least in my experience) to compile and work with private servers on Windows. On Linux, I just copy-paste a few commands and my server is essentially compiled and running.
  • You’ve probably done something wrong during the setup/compile sections of the official TrinityCore guide, so just redo everything and if you’re still getting the error (and you can’t solve it by any solution on this page or any other that you’ve googled), then post a thread about your problem.


TrinityCore – Authserver & Worldserver

Unknown column ‘columnName’ in ‘field list’.td>This generally means that your database needs to be updated. The ‘columnName’ could be any column, this is just an example.
No database selectedThis generally means that you haven’t set-up your database.
ERROR: Could not connect to MySQL database at ipAddress: Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘ipAddress’This generally means that MySQL isn’t running or that you have incorrectly configured your config files.
Could not connect to MySQL database at ipAddress: Access denied for user ‘username’@’ipAddress’ (using password: YES)This generally means that you either haven’t set the correct username/password to log into MySQL with in your authserver.conf or worldserver.conf file or that the specified MySQL user doesn’t exist.
DatabasePool auth NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLDriverLogFile for specific errors.See the solution above.


This can also mean that the IP and/or port specified in the authserver.conf or worldserver.conf file is incorrect.


TrinityCore – Authserver

The application was unable to start correctly (0x000007b).Ensure that you have the latest version of the .NET Framework from the Microsoft website.
Error in config file: cannot open fileEnsure that your authserver.conf file isn’t named authserver.conf.dist; if it is, then rename the file to authserver.conf.
Invalid or missing configuration file : /path/to/authserver.confSee the solution above.


If the previous solution didn’t work, then try recompiling the core and checking to ensure that you set the proper paths when running cmake.


TrinityCore – Worldserver

Error in config file: cannot open fileEnsure that your worldserver.conf file isn’t named worldserver.conf.dist; if it is, then rename the file to worldserver.conf.
Invalid or missing configuration file : /path/to/worldserver.confSee the solution above.


If the previous solution didn’t work, then try recompiling the core and checking to ensure that you set the proper paths when running cmake.

Loaded 0 trinity strings. DB table ‘trinity_string’ is empty.This means that you’ve most-likely erased the trinity_string table in the world database. You’ll need to download the latest version of TDB and re-upload the trinity_strings table.

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