Import creature from Cata/MoP/WoD/Legion to 3.3.5

Howdy matteys ! I'll explain to you how to do this simple thing in 3.3.5 !


  • Required Tools
  • Seek and convert
  • DBC Editing
  • Database Editing
  • Let's get it on !

Required tools

Obviously, we need CASC Explorer, we'll certainly find what we want, some good creatures from more recent versions than WoTLK, some fresh meat... ¬¬

We'll need a converter for ours M2 too, otherwise, it won't work.

You can find Casc Explorer here -> I'm a link mattey !

And the converter here (particles are supported) -> Right here !


Now, we are equiped so... Allons-y !


First, we have to take a model, it's the most important part of this tutorial :o !

I took Murloc2 (path : Creature/Murloc2)

When you have decided which model you want, download his entire folder, .m2, .skin, .anim, .blp...

here we are :


Now I have my model, I need to convert it, just select the .m2 and drag & drop it on our converter, when it'll be over we'll have :


Remove your old m2 and your old .skin, rename your files like this :

mymodel.m2_lk -> mymodel.m2

mymodel.skin_lk ->

Conversion is complete !


Put your new models into your MPQ patch, we don't have to touch them anymore.

Hello from the serversiiiide

Before you have to open WoW Model Viewer to see what texture you can apply to your model, open WMV and select your new model, here we are :


The interesting part here, is where murloc2_green is written, it's our texture name to have a beautiful green murloc ! But, Murlocs can be blue, white, purple... take a look !

b2cf4debe7.pngIncredible ! Amazing ! Awesome !

So, in a first place, I just want a green murloc, so, it's open to add him into my DBCs. The first DBC you'll need to open is CreatureDisplayInfo with MyDBCEditor

Scroll to the last line, right click and select "Insert line...", your ID MUST be unique ! I'll choose 31.

Warning ! For each texture to use, you'll need to create a new line
Quick explanation :

First column : unique ID
Second column : Model ID that is registered in CreatureModelData.dbc (31 = the old murloc model, I changed the path to replace easily old murlocs with my new fresh HD models)
Third column : Dunno, let zero.
Fourth column : ExtraDisplay : CreatureDisplayInfoExtra.dbc, it doesn't matters here.
Fifth column : Let 1.
Sixth colum : Creature opacity. 255 means your npc is opaque, 0 means... yes it's transparent.
Seventh and Eighth column : "Extra texture", when you npc isn't a character but a creature, these colums set their skin -> fill the first column with the texture name you want (murloc2_green)
The next columm : Contains an ID or 0, the ID corresponds to sound ID in NPCSounds.dbc.
Last column : Let zero.

Here's the look of my NPC column :


I won't explain how to edit CreatureModelData, it's pretty easy, copy/paste an other line, change the model's path and here you go.

Upload your two DBCs (CreatureDisplayInfo and CreatureModelData) to your server, and put them into your MPQ patch too. We don't have to touch it anymore, let's go in Database !


Yes, I copied this part from an other tutorial, booo

Serverside part !
In your world Database, find this table and open it !

Quick explanation... Oh no, copy/paste the content of an other line.

Your ID must be the same as the one in CreatureDisplayInfo, in my case : 31.
This digit is the DisplayID that you MUST use for your creature.

Once your line is written and your NPC created...

In the end...


I hope this tutorial is easy and complete, if you think some elements are missing, don't hesitate, comment and I'll try to complete :) !

  • Thanks 1

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how to find the names of the  not hardcoded blp let say like the stormforged vrykul skin1.blp and skin2.blp

 Creature_TI BLP 1, 2, 3

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There is no need for the filedataid to be in the dbc. One can load the files by id, and that is what is done. Note that there are multiple dbs for id → filename though, not only that one.

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Tried to convert Whaleshark from Cata to WOTLK.

I followed every step 1 by 1 ( mutliple times now ) but sadly the model is invisible ( both morp and npc )

Any ideas how to fix this?

Greetings Noones

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Tried to convert Whaleshark from Cata to WOTLK.

I followed every step 1 by 1 ( mutliple times now ) but sadly the model is invisible ( both morp and npc )

Any ideas how to fix this?

Greetings Noones

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Does this work with the wod race models too? (Orcs, Bloodelf, Nightelf etc.) or is another method required for this?

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On 05/07/2016 at 2:01 PM, UltraNic said:

Does this work with the wod race models too? (Orcs, Bloodelf, Nightelf etc.) or is another method required for this?

As I said in PM today (I don't receive notification when someone post on my tutorials >< ) it's a different method !

On 13/05/2016 at 6:40 AM, Dabu said:

Its going with TBC őr Vanilla? 

Never tried :/

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