Create a Graveyard

Very useful for your custom maps ;) !

Before we start, don't forget this, your graveyard won't work if you haven't extracted your map's maps.


  • Required tools
  • WorldSafeLocs editing
  • Database editing
  • Ingame command

Looks like it's time to gear up !

- Your 3.3.5 client
- Your WorldSafeLocs.dbc
- Your World Database access
- To be GM ingame.

I send you to graveyard !

Open WorldSafeLocs.dbc with your favorite DBC editor.

Quick explanation :

First column : Graveyard ID (must be unique ! I start at 1900)
Second column : Your mapId contained in Map.DBC
Third column : graveyard's X position
Fourth column : graveyard's Y position
Fifth column : graveyard's Z position
Seventh column : Name your graveyard !
Eighth : Meh.

To obtain your coords, you'll have to go ingame and make .gps where you want to locate your graveyard.
Then, fill your DBC. I did this :


"But, what means CI Hyakki-master ?"
Did you know I'm French ? In France, a graveyard is called "cimetière", you can pronounce it like Google says : cimetière
Then, CI is the abrevation of Cimetière :) (We learn so much things with me yay !)

Upload it to your server (and I'm not sure, but I don't think it's necessary in your MPQ)

Next step !

DB ? You mean Dragon B... No. DataBase.

Open your world database and open the game_graveyard_table.

Quick explanation 2 :

ID : Your graveyard ID that you have set in WorldSafeLocs (1900 in my example)
GhostZone : AreaID from Areatable.dbc where the ghost will spawn.
Faction : Who can spawn in your graveyard ?

0 - Any team accepted

469 - Alliance team only

67 - Horde team only

Here we are

Save and close your DataBase connection, we are finished.

Restart your server !

It's time to die !

Go to your custom map and execute this command :

X = your graveyard ID (1900 in my example)

.linkgrave X

If you obtain an error, check that you have extracted your maps, and if you Areatable.dbc in serverside is valid too.
otherwise, kill you and you'll see !

This tutorial is finished ! Don't forget to spawn the Spirit Healer ! (ID = 6491)

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Recommended Comments

Nice and short tut, I would just want to add that you need to have maps working for this system. It should be quite obvious, because AreaIDs are used. So make sure your maps are up-to-date and that .gps command really shows you correct zones you are in when working on custom maps. Otherwise selecting graveyard where your ghost will appear might get pretty buggy.

Another little advice I found out, when server can't find graveyard to put you into, it will use default graveyards.

ID 4 (Westfall, Sentinel Hill) is default graveyard for Alliance

ID 10 (The Barrens, The Crossroads) is default for Horde

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