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DressNPCs Handler

After a few days spent working on this program for use by my server’s development team, I’ve got it to the point where I’m ready to release it. All of the features that I’ve planned to add to the program are currently working, as far as I’ve tested.
If you have any problems during the setup, have suggestions for the program, find a bug, etc… then just comment below.

Rough Description

This tool allows for easy insertion and updating of both the creature_template_outfits table used by Rochet2’s DressNPCs core modification which enables the creation of custom NPCs and the creature_equip_template table.
The program allows for a quick workflow to insert, or update, as many NPCs as you desire. An earlier method also works, but it’s much slower compared to using this program.

How to Setup

Luckily there is very little, if any, setup required to get this program running. The three requirements are as follows.


  1. You must have Java 8 installed to launch the program.
  2. You must have access to an account with nearly full permissions to the creature_template_outfits and creature_equip_template tables of the world database.
  3. You must have Rochet2’s DressNPCs core modification compiled into your core and setup on your database..
You can download the tool from here and I highly recommend that you read my basic tutorial on how to create a DressNPC here. The post currently only covers the old method of creating the DressNPCs using a stored procedure/query, but you can follow that tutorial and just enter the values into the program instead of the SQL query. Your server does not require the stored procedure linked in that tutorial.


The Interface

Because the program is still being worked on and fixed up here-and-there, the interface may undergo some changes as development progresses. At the moment it contains all initially conceived features.
In the image below you can see the initial interface of the DressNPCs Screen.
The File dropdown menu allows you to save, or load, the currently entered data. You also have the option of loading data from the database with the Import option. Please be warned that you cannot save your data unless it contains no errors. This was an intentional feature and is not a bug.
The Function dropdown menu allows you to switch to the second part of the DressNPCs Handler tool which allows you to create or update equipment sets for any NPCs that you create. I won’t go into detail on how equipment sets work, but you can learn more here.
In the Weapon Handler Screen you can edit up to four equipment sets at once. For more information on how this and the rest of the program works, please read the readme file included with the program.
The Function dropdown menu allows you to switch back to the DressNPCs Screen.

The Settings File

Within the settings file you’ll find the saved server address, MySQL port, characters database name, MySQL username, and the interface language. All of these values can be manually edited and it’s perfectly fine to just delete the settings file and select everything again through the interface when you launch the program.
The only value in the settings which cannot be changed through the GUI after selecting it is the language. If you wish to change the GUI language, then you’ll need to either delete the settings file and launch the program to select it again or change it in the settings file.

Supported Languages

If you wish to contribute a translation in your native language, then please contact me on Skype for the latest files to be translated. It will take at-least an hour of your time to translate everything required.
  • English
  • German

Examples of Three Settings Files


Misc Information

The program should support any version that Rochet2’s DressNPCs core modification, but I have only ever tested it on 3.3.5a and I’m not even sure if he has added support for other core versions.
The current program version is 1.3.


  • Renan ~ Helped to test an earlier version of the program and made a few suggestions on how to better the interface design.
  • Kaev ~ Supplied the German translation for the program.

Recommended Comments

The links in the tutorial above may be out of date. If they are, then you can most-likely find an up-to-date link to the blog here.

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