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Script to Announce Logins and Logouts for Eluna

Because so many people have requested a script to announce logins and logouts over the years, and due to a lack of simple scripts that I could find, I’ve written up a very simple script that announces whenever a player logs on or off. I’ll assume that anyone looking at this already knows how to add a Lua script to their server, so here’s the script.

local function OnEnterWorld(event, player)
    local isHorde = player:IsHorde()
    local playerName = player:GetName()

    if(player:IsGM()) then
        SendWorldMessage("|Hplayer:" .. playerName .. ":1:WHISPER:" .. string.upper(playerName) .. "|h[" .. playerName .. " - GM]|h has logged in.")
    elseif(isHorde == true) then
        SendWorldMessage("|Hplayer:" .. playerName .. ":1:WHISPER:" .. string.upper(playerName) .. "|h[" .. playerName .. " - Horde]|h has logged in.")
    elseif(isHorde == false) then
        SendWorldMessage("|Hplayer:" .. playerName .. ":1:WHISPER:" .. string.upper(playerName) .. "|h[" .. playerName .. " - Alliance]|h has logged in.")

local function OnExitWorld(event, player)
    local isHorde = player:IsHorde()
    local playerName = player:GetName()

    if(player:IsGM()) then
        SendWorldMessage("[" .. playerName .. " - GM] has logged out." )
    elseif(isHorde == true) then
        SendWorldMessage("[" .. playerName .. " - Horde] has logged out." )
    elseif(isHorde == false) then
        SendWorldMessage("[" .. playerName .. " - Alliance] has logged out." )
RegisterPlayerEvent(3, OnEnterWorld)
RegisterPlayerEvent(4, OnExitWorld)

There is definitely some room for improvement on the script, so if you have any suggestions, just leave a comment below.

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