Retroport to WOTLK- WEAPONS


after the wings won the vote on what i should make a guide on first, now it's the time for the weapons. It's VERY easy. I USE PICTURES FROM MY WINGS TUTORIAL BECAUSE IM LAZY TODAY.

Guten Tag! 1/5

We need 

wow.export  (getting your .blp and .m2 files)

WDBX Editor -> WDBX Editor (editing your .dbc files to get your retroport working)

MPQEditor -> MPQEditor (creating custom patches)

Multi Converter -> Multi Converter (make your .m2 files work)

335 Server -> Server (i use this one)

WOTLK Client -> just google it (preferably a FRESH client with NO other custom patches)

TXID -> TXID (Fix our .m2 files

HeidiSQL -> HeidiSQL (Copy existing weapon and slap our custom one on it)

010 Editor -> 010 Editor (Search in our .m2 file for exported files we don't see in one folder) 

Speedrunning Retroporting ;) 2/5

Open wow.export (or) CASCExplorer, both is fine, really i'll use for this.

Open your, select the box with the best ping, click on the world icon after that -> World of Warcraft 9.1.5 bla bla bla


You should automatically be in "Models", good. Search for any weapon.

I looked for "ArtifactSoulrend_d_03" since i was going to add it anyway. Select any color and export it using my settings. (if you want to be extra fancy and add an Icon, go into -> files -> Search "artifactsoulrend_d_03" and download the interface/icons/inv_sword_2h_artifactsoulrend_d_03.blp ) we later will make it into our custom patch no worries.


Now head to your exported folder, go to items\objectcomponents\weapons and rename artifactsoulrend_d_03_red (whatever the color is).m2 into 



Now slap that bad boy .m2 file into TXID about 15 times and hit FIX.

Do the same with MultiConverter, but only put it once in there. Click Fix afterwards.

You can utilize 010 Editor Step 3/6 and search for .blp and if you used you can look in the folders it may have created, but for this specific weapon everything is in items\objectcomponents\weapons that we need.

Editing our DBC File ? 3/5

Open ItemDisplayInfo.dbc from your servers dbc folder. 

We open ItemDisplayInfo.dbc with WDBX Editor and Select WOTLK from "Load Definition" 


We start in ItemDisplayInfo.dbc by making a new Line, Right-Click -> Insert Line. 

Make a unique ID (mine is 100050); ModelName_1 = name of your .m2 file + .mdx (sword_2h_artifactsoulrend_d_03.mdx); ModelTexture_1 = color of your weapon (mine will be sword_2h_artifactsoulrend_d_03_red); InventoryIcon = the name of the Icon if you downloaded one (inv_sword_2h_artifactsoulrend_d_03). Everything else can be left blank or 0.


Save this into your servers dbc folder and open heidisql.

Server sided! 4/5

In HeidiSQL open item_template  -> Data -> Show all 


look for a weapon you want to duplicate, it's better if they match the criteria of the weapon you just downported = (Artifactsoulrend is 2h Sword) so you duplicate a existing 2h sword aswell. Then you just change the "displayid" to the one in ItemDisplayInfo.dbc and (re)start your server after saving it.

Client Sided ? 5/5

I suppose you know how you make a MPQ already (explained countless time) but i'll explain it quickly again.

Open MPQEditor and create a new MPQ, name it patch-4.mpq and hit next until you're in the MPQ. From there you create new Folders called "DBFilesClient" ; "item"; "interface"

Make sure they are separate folders, from there you drag and drop "all" the new dbc files from your Server into DBFilesClient.

ItemDisplayInfo.dbc in DBFilesClient

then in the "item" folder create a subfolder called "objectcomponents" and put your weapon folder in there.

your weapon folder in item\objectcomponents

create another subfolder in "interface" called "icons" and put your icon that you just downloaded in there.

your icon in interface\icons.

Delete your wow Cache and add your new item, drag it into your weapon slot and it should look very beautiful!



Invisible = didn't convert with TXID First and then Multi Converter

Weird texture = wrong name in TextureVariation_1

No animation = not everything put into your mpq patch

Crash = ??? maybe wrong name in ModelName_1 or wrong ID used in Heidisql IDEK

Green particles = not everything put into your mpq patch


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Now slap that bad boy .m2 file into TXID about 15 times and hit FIX.

you dont need to do it 15 times just open CMD and fire the TXID on model from there you will clearly see if it worked or now since TXID has some minor issue in its code sometimes it runs out of a index array which will cause it to crash after it actualy adds the texture paths to the model but it wont write the offsets and lenght of texture paths but on second run it does the job correctly since lenght of model is already changed and paths were added you dont need to do this everytime only if it crashes


Invisible = didn't convert with TXID First and then Multi Converter

If the model is invisible they wow cannot read it most likely as its in wrong format that is caused sometimes by not being converted by Multiconvertor but mentioned TXID has zero effect on this issue if you would not use TXID the model would be white 


No animation = not everything put into your mpq patch

If is model using TextureCombine bit in global flags they the model needs to have additional alt mapping chunk at 0x130 which multiconvertor does not rely on which will cause it to be overwritten by data that are actualy needed and this happens a lot in that section can lie animation or global sequence which can cause animations to not play at all this issue is rarely caused by missing data in patch since animations are stored in m2 and missing m2 would result in a box if you would be missing .anim files model would still work but it would just performed value=0 on every bone in every keyframe during the playback which would cause it to deform


Crash = ??? maybe wrong name in ModelName_1 or wrong ID used in Heidisql IDEK

If is model crashing its in 99 out of 100 cases caused by incorrect downport which in 90 out of 100 cases goes to incorrect .skin files which multiconvertor is not downporting correctly since multiconvertor is from legion time and models we downport as shadowlands the structure changed and multiconvertor not always recon with that you can fix it with m2redux 
you mentioned wrong name in ItemDisplayInfo / Item_Template if that would be the case you would get cube


Green particles = not everything put into your mpq patch

Particles needs its files but sometimes they can have a flag in particle emitter of m2 that reads the color from DBC ParticleColor if is your model still green even when you gave it all files its pointing to non existing row in that DBC 


Step 3, 4, 5

You mentioned that you need to add data to ItemDisplayInfo but you also need to make a line in Item which has keyID same as ID of the item then you fill its values like DisplayID and other values this DBC needs to be mainly in client server does not cares about it too much but DBCs should in synch with server and client at all time to prevent data inconsistency if you dont have Item.dbc in client and your server will sent item with DisplayID you made your item would be just a question mark in the inventory and it would lack some material sounds 


Open MPQEditor and create a new MPQ, name it patch-4.mpq

this is just a minor detail but you dont need to name it Patch-4.mpq wow reads patches from 0-9-A -Z in this order and last loaded patches data overrides previous so in that manner patch 4 works but so would patch 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, W, Q, Z ... etc if you are using modified exe that can be found around MC net you can also use folder patch where you dont even need to make MPQ or you can also just use plain folders without patch name at all but that goes only to modified exe for modding its optimal as its saving time 


You can utilize 010 Editor Step 3/6 and search for .blp and if you used you can look in the folders it may have created, but for this specific weapon everything is in items\objectcomponents\weapons that we need.

im not sure about this one but it makes it sounds like if everything that it in the weapon but outside of the mentioned path "items\objectcomponents\weapons" was irrelevant which it is not the weapon can use textures from else where if you see a texture in the structure use them all dont skip anything 

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I want to add a weapon that is a 2-handed sword, everything is fine with the tutorial that I found, I converted everything but it turns invisible because that happens, I did it well dbc and add the weapon folder to the weapon for the patch

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On 2022/8/21 at AM1点22分, jhoancito said:

我想添加一把两手剑的武器,我找到的教程一切都很好,我转换了所有东西,但它变得不可见,因为发生了这种情况,我做得很好 dbc 并将武器文件夹添加到武器中修补

So am I

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Do you think you could make a tutorial on this for cata? porting to cata instead of wotlk

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