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Retroport to WOTLK Update-1


I'm back with a updated tutorial and more knowledge that i'm sharing with you ~yay~ This is the updated version for retroporting CREATURES.

What has changed?

In the last week of downporting (retroporting) i've learned to use TXID and 010 Editor!

Tell me already what i need!

Okay okay.. chill. We need:

CASCExplorer -> CASCExplorer (getting your m2,blp,skin.. files)

WDBX Editor -> WDBX Editor (editing your .dbc files to get your retroport working)

MPQEditor -> MPQEditor (creating custom patches)

Multi Converter -> Multi Converter (make your .m2 files work)

335 Server -> Server (i use this one)

WOTLK Client -> just google it (preferably a FRESH client with NO other custom patches)

TXID -> TXID (Fix our .m2 files<- new

010 Editor -> 010 Editor (Search in our .m2 file for possibly more .blp files it may need) <- new

Make your retroport folder nice and clean!


The beginning.. finally

Open CASCExplorer and click on File -> Open Online Storage -> WoW Retail -> Select the only Build there is and wait.

Now we need to decide on what we want to retroport, I think that i'm going to Retroport the Vicious War Spider. On the Quick Facts tab, it shows us it's Icon Name, but we just copy the part after inv_.


In CASCExplorer we head to Creatures and look for viciousalliancespider


We extract every file there. Now in our Export folder we open TXID and put viciousalliancespider.m2 about 15 times in there, then click FIX


We then open viciousalliancespider.m2 with 010 Editor. press CTRL + F and change the search type to text(t)


There you can scroll through the results, we then look for every .blp in there, but since this .m2 file is weird, it shows 20+ occurences of .blp, but we don't need those since they don't have a path.
(You can also double-check on, just search up viciousalliancespider and click on the "I".)

We actually have every file we need, so we open Multi Converter 3.3.0 and put every file in there, don't worry if only one file shows up in there, that's completely normal. Click on Fix again.


We can close Multi Converter and TXID (if you didn't already) and open WDBX Editor. Select CreatureModelData.dbc and CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc from your Server's dbc files. Mine are located in \server\data\dbc. 


We open both with WDBX Editor and Select WOTLK from "Load Definition" 


We start in CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc by making a new Line, Right-Click -> Insert Line. 

Your ID and ModelID have to be unique. Mine are as follows: ID= 32764;  ModelID= 10005. We then only change CreatureModelScale = 1 (how big your Creature will be) ; CreatureModelAlpha= 255 (1 = almost invisible; 255= no transparency). Now we change our TextureVariation_1 to viciousalliancespider


Now we can save CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc and make sure it's saved in your server.

Open CreatureModelData.dbc now and go to ID 30 (it's Creature\MineSpider). Right-Click -> Copy Line, then Right-Click -> Insert Line -> Right-Click -> Paste Line.

It should look like this now.


don't worry, i changed my ID to 10006 because ID 10005 was already in use, but somehow i deleted the Line. you can still use 10005.

We then only change "ModelName" to our path, our path is Creature\viciousalliancespider\viciousalliancespider.mdx .

.mdx because else wow can't regognize your Creature.
We're done now with server sided.
Now we do client sided, which means we need to make a patch.
Open MPQEditor and create a new MPQ, name it patch-4.mpq. In your MPQ, we need to make 2 folders. 

Right-Click on the first file and make a new folder called "DBFilesClient", now do the same thing again but make sure they are separated, the other folder is calles "Creature".

in Creature we can drag and drop our viciousalliancespider folder in there.


We now head to DBFilesClient and drag-and-drop our CreatureModelData.dbc and CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc in there.


Now we are done with everything, just start your server again and morph into 32764.



If it has cube texture = wow can't find the path you used (typically a typing error; capital letters; no .mdx at the end; no backslash used)

If it has green texture = wow can't find the correct texture (used wrong .blp in CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc like using viciousalliancespider_armor instead of viciousalliancespider)

If it is invisible = have you ran it through both converters? did you accidentally changed  CreatureModelAlpha to 0?

If it crashes = is your ID in CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc populated? Did you make sure your creature uses the same ModelID?

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for some reason even i run throught both converters and alpha is 255 my model is still invisible. tried both with shadowlands and bfa clients...same : PJqjH2Q.png  check mechacycle ....

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20 minutes ago, exanimis said:

for some reason even i run throught both converters and alpha is 255 my model is still invisible. tried both with shadowlands and bfa clients...same : PJqjH2Q.png  check mechacycle ....

you managed to convert  it using TXID FIRST and then MultiConverter? Because there are some models that can't be imported.. sorry about that, i'm getting invisible mount too :P

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3 minutes ago, Tyrallis said:

you managed to convert  it using TXID FIRST and then MultiConverter? Because there are some models that can't be imported.. sorry about that, i'm getting invisible mount too :P

yes i 1st run throught TIXD than multiconverter.... i know that mechacycle works...i have one patch that has it as working model but has no particles....i guess i need to add them somehow :'D but some models r invisible ,even i saw them on some servers....i am guessing something is not working correctly and needs fix

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Hello ! Nice guide, though I wonder why "put viciousalliancespider.m2 about 15 times in there" when it comes to TXID part ? 🙂

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amigo lo hice bien tu guia tengo problema primero fui  TXID despues convertidor 3.0.3 todo bien lo agrege bien no sale ma montura es invisible 

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Nice guide, but I'm encountering an issue: I'm trying to retroport the manawraith models in the manawraith2 folder from Shadowlands 9.2 to Wotlk 3.3.5.
I followed every step to a tee (at least for what I can tell), but at the moment to try the model in-game when I use the .morph command the game crashes giving me a memory access violation error.

I already tried to remove the "read only" option from all the client files and run the client as adminitrator and still get the error.

Looking at the model in WoW Model Viewer shows it fine (with the exception of missing particles effects, but if I'm not mistaken those aren't carried over by the converter).  I already tried multiple times the entire procedure from the start, but get the same result every time. Also retried with other models like catmount (simpler model with no particle effects) and still the same memory access violation error.

Any idea what I might be doing wrong?


EDIT: following another guide on these forums I think I finally managed to import the cat mount successfully.
Probably what I was missing was to edit the .m2 file to include the total number of .skin files I had, or the converter was outdated (may be).

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Hi, thanks for the guide!

Followed the steps and did it on first go! (My first one ever.)

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On 3/28/2022 at 2:00 AM, Ayahuasca said:

Hello ! Nice guide, though I wonder why "put viciousalliancespider.m2 about 15 times in there" when it comes to TXID part ? 🙂

because the first time somebody helped me do this, he told me to do that. I didn't question it, it worked. But @Alastor Strix'Efuartus knew better, so just once is enough from what i've heard!


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