High Quality Terrain for WOTLK 3.3.5


It is the best method ive found so far for Terrain Generation.


Use any Terrain Editor that you want, i recommend: 


There are two tools Included, THEY ARE NOT MADE BY ME:

(Had some Problems with Upload so i included the GDRIVE: (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-fX4DQobVAS2P0s0BGLThIH6sj0P86v4?usp=sharing)

ObjtoADT and (FUTA) ill Inculde these Tools are included inside the Package


It uses the two main keys for great Terrain Generation

OBJtoADT to print Model Height Data into an ADT.

Futa to Extract all 3 Layers into an ADT.


Firstly you need to Generate a Terrain through your Favorite Terrain Generator, i use Gaea:

So i split the Terrain into 4 Pieces 



and the 3 Layers:


So i have 4 Outputs:

Heightmap, Layer1, Layer2 and Layer3.

(1024 Heightmap and 4096 Layer1-3 Textures) 1k and 2k works aswell with the standart edition but loose a bit of quality.

As soon you have those Raw Files you need to Convert the Heightmap into an 3d Object with the ADT4x4 file Through The Displacement Modifier:












As soon youre done accept the modifier and copy the object into the OBJtoADT File:


Select the ADT_Template and Set Target inside the Modifier and Select your Terrain.

IMPORTANT: Now you need to lock every object or Hide them and only export the Objects from the Modifier like this 


The ADT_Template needs to be Hidden and press a to select everything now only the Objects from the Modifier Should be selected and Export the Object after the settings in the Folder: 


It should be named after your ADT File as an example NAME_1_1.obj -> NAME_1_1.adt you need todo that for every ADT Piece save it inside your OBJtoADT Folder and as soon you have it you need to put your Empty ADT Files inside that folder and run the OBJtoADT.bat which prints the Data inside your ADT.

Put your ADTs back and open Noggit and Add 3 Textures with it.

Open TerrainTextureGen i recommend adding the Addon ScriptstoButton there are 3 Scripts included you only need to Change the Path and press the Button to generate Layer1-3 Files otherwise they overwrite eachother.


You only need to Add your Textures inside the Given Image Nodes we have 3 Materials for Every Layer. Select the Material and click the Button Layer 1 it saves all 16 Textures in the Path you set inside the Scripts. Select the 2nd Material and button Layer 2 the same for the 3rd. The last step is to open Futa and import the Single images for all 16 ADTS. 

Thats it, some Result Pictures:















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A wonderfull tool, as always!

I made a small script that can automatic split your terrain mesh and save them as single ADT files.

1. Your terrain must be target of ADT_Template and they must be hidden.
2. You should move ADT_Template to upper left of your Terrain.
3. Now you shall to open the script, change a variables and run it.
Happy splitting!


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I do not get it. ? I need some tutorial which shows me all steps from start to finish.

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I tried to add my own heightmap to the Map.blender Template but it does not change anything, even if I apply the displacer with my own texture .. Any ideal?


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damn that looks really nice! Great tutorial & really good looking maps as result aswell. Thanks!

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The workflow described here is a perfect way to create huge maps without the need to spend huge amounts of time on manually making the landscape and texturing it!

In order to contribute, I have asked Siamangos (Check his Discord freelance topic! https://discord.com/channels/407664041016688662/1092773623451877386) to provide me with a tool which could successfully automize the project of exporting your plane into individual ADTs! I would like to share it so you could do so too. :)


Just open the script when you are in the ADT_OBJTOADT.blend, allign your map correctly according to the ADT_Template, connect it to your map, and then run it.

WorkingDirectory: Where you want your .obj files to be exported to.

Filename: What will be the working name of the map? (TestMap, MyMap etc.)

Create New Map and Remove OBJ once done: in the archive aside from the script.py you will find a bunch of files like ADTAdder.exe and OBJtoADT.jar

If the destination folder you have chosen in the WorkingDirectory contain these files, then the .adt files will be generated automatically from your exported .obj files. The latter can also be automatically deleted if you pick this option. Disable these if you just want the .obj files only.

Start X and Start Y: As not everyone wants their maps to start with 0_0, here you set the coordinates. So, if you want the first ADT of your map to be called map_name_19_19, then put Start X as 19, and Start Y as 19. If you want it to be 16_21, put start X as 16 and Start Y as 21 etc.

Max X and Max Y: These are the end coordinates of your map. In order to calculate them, find out the number of the down right corner ADT of your map. For example, if your map is 4x4 square and starts at 1_1, it will end at 4_4. So, you need to put Max X as 4 and Max Y as 4. 

Hope it will be helpful! Good luck :)



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