How you port Maps from Wotlk/Cata/WoD to Legion (Noggit On 7.2.5)


With this tutorial you can import your modified maps from noggit Wotlk, Cata, MoP or WoD to Legion 7.2.5 (Perhaps others versions too)

You must make your custom files on Noggit or you can get your maps modified parsed to Cata, MoP or WoD and convert this to Legion.

If you use the ADT Converter and you use "-l" this convert to Legion, but this can give error because the wdts, wdl and tex fails and the water dissapear. For fix this, you must parse your maps from Wotlk to Cata/MoP/WoD with this tool ADT Converter

After you must put on the data folder yours maps modified and you must make click in the .bat file, this parse alls files to WoD (Cata and mop too). Now you must download the script file and .bat modified for me, this files Adt Converter to Legion

You must unrar, after you must edit the bat file and you find:

010editor "%%i" -script:"PATH\ADT-Legion-Conversion.1sc" "%%i" -nowarnings -noui

Now you must edit the PATH for your path folder of script file, after you save this.

After you must copy your ADTs files only from Cata/MoP/WoD to ADT folder and now you must click in the .bat. When this program closed, you must get the ADTs and put on the path folder patch (World/Maps/example/example.adt) in your World of Warcraft root folder.

Et voila, your maps it's working. (Delete WDT, WDL, TEX files for this work)

Like the post if you like it! and sorry for my english.


Credits: Luzifix (Adt Converter), Arektor (Script 010editor of Wod to Legion), Me, Darkkang for make the tutorial and the .bat file and testing this.





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J'aurais voulu savoir, monsieurs :


You must unrar, after you must edit the bat file and you find:

010editor "%%i" -script:"PATH\ADT-Legion-Conversion.1sc" "%%i" -nowarnings -noui

Now you must edit the PATH for your path folder of script file, after you save this.

C'est a dire ? '^'

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19 minutes ago, Shugarex said:

J'aurais voulu savoir, monsieurs :


You must unrar, after you must edit the bat file and you find:

010editor "%%i" -script:"PATH\ADT-Legion-Conversion.1sc" "%%i" -nowarnings -noui

Now you must edit the PATH for your path folder of script file, after you save this.

C'est a dire ? '^'

I don't understand :/

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You know how to make Noggit ok ? My noggit crash :(

And nothing, i find the solution with adt converter ^^ (but noggit crash when i execute noggit.exe ...)

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i got a error :/ 


I got kicked ingame and become Error Message: A streaming error has occurred (WOW51900322) 


Version: 7.3.5 26822



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On 6/17/2018 at 4:44 PM, Senix said:

i got a error :/ 


I got kicked ingame and become Error Message: A streaming error has occurred (WOW51900322) 


Version: 7.3.5 26822



Some times give one error, but if you enter again must work, if you did all well.

Try delete .wdt, .tex, wdl, _ocg, etc files and you must put .adt only and try again.

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Nope this is the wrong way and works only for blizzard maps if you edit this one but not for custom maps, there u have to fix the wdt.

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