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Photo Information for WoWScrnShot_080916_164138.jpg

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Like everything, this will need ground effects (but I suppose you haven't added them yet mostly because its still WIP, I do it the same way). This reminds me my first project a lot, it looks a lot similiar, you have even decided to use Elwynn stuff, like I did. Ah, that nostalgia.

1. Don't be afraid of smaller brushes. For most of my work I use radius 2 and smaller. Your texturation lack details.

2. I personaly find having textures in following order: dirt, stone, road, grass, (optional textures whenever there's room for them) the best to work with. Having grass, trying to place dirt on it and then stone... I've tryed it exactly the same way as you did when I was a beginner, and it really never worked out very well.

3. The same thing as to texturation brushes applies to terrain modelling brushes. Don't be afraid of using radius around 6 for most of edits, or even around 4.5 for "sharper" styles. Again, your terrain lacks details.

4. Learn to make terrain model and textures work with each other. Think about it for a while. Why is dirt somewhere? Why there's no grass there? Because people usually walk there - its a road? OK, in that case - make that road flat. Its always good to have places where dirt, moss or another texture is in "holes" or "flat areas/lines", while grass doesn't look very well when its completely flat.


Those are basics of terrain editing. You may want to check my videos dedicated to that. Most of them are in czech, so you won't understand what I'm saying, but you can still watch. I will post 4 most relevant videos here.:

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I see you have the concept and idea to make this map, I suppose you're a beginner in Noggit, and as everyone who began working in Noggit you too have a bit problems with texturing, even though texturing isn't the primary thing in map making in my opinion, you should be a bit more careful when you add the texturing, as Amaroth said think a bit why there should be some dirt or grass or whatever, try to think what you're achieving, try to think what are you going to create and it will help you get better. Also take note from blizzard-made textures, what did they do to make it look more natural and fitting.If this is your first map in Noggit then it is good.

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