
So, here we go, I've created walls which are invisible in game (to be exact, which will be invisible in patch which will be given to players). Hopefully this will be enough to keep players from reaching areas which should not be accesible, or to take any shortcuts.

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Must be enough, Blizzard use similar things to get this effect, so looks proper. By the way, you could use special materials to be displayed in Noggit and not displayed in game. It is a simple hack because Noggit does not handle all the flags :)

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On 6. 5. 2016 at 0:27 PM, Nupper said:

Blizzard uses the Ghost Gate object.

And its very, very terrible for doing anything like this. Trust me, I've tryed. Everything took me 4 times longer and wasn't that reliable and "smooth" in game.

EDIT: @Skarn: That sounds like a nice idea, but I don't want to do it so. I will want to disable displaying of those walls in Noggit as well anyway, because once I'm done with them, they will just get into way while I'll work on another things.

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