First forests

First parts of forests are done. I have also added PvP collisions under them, so they are impassible, just for testing purpouses. Those lighter bushes will get retextured and I will give them bush animations. Like I said earlier, terrain texturation will be based on model spawn, not otherwise, so rather unusuall order of doing things is going here.

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DotA2 map for WoW

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Turns out pretty good actually. I wonder how it is going to look like ingame in the end.

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So do I tbh :D. Animations and ground effects should make this look very nice. I am afraid of FPS drops though.

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WoD quality, animations, ground effects... And its far from finished. Still, I found out that FPS drops are caused a lot by WMOs and water (at least in Noggit), and I won't have much of these 2 aspects here. So yep, hopefully it will work well :).

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