
Looking for Noggit Job [FREE]

Greetings! [I am the one, who is looking for job]

I have a dream to create a Wow server based on Warcraft 3 story from the very beginning. At the first-hand players had the opportunity to get acquainted with this world in Warcraft 3. That's why I think many of us would see it in World of Warcraft. Whole Azeroth and Outland in different phases.

I already worked 100+ hours on this project alone, but can't open it anymore since I moved to another computer. Unfortunately, I can't deal with my old MPQ-s on the new computer. Probably, someone will be able to open it with basic down ported models. (Until legion)

My project:!Asrk_5wjkszIhKkN9EhehurNQgUpGA

I don't expect any payment, although I know this project is huge. If someone is creating it, and he doesn't have enough human resources, I wanted to tell him: I am here.

Important: I am an economics student and not an artist. (However, my gf is an artist and praised me, lol) So I lack the knowledge to create from scratch and using the blender. I can use photoshop to recolour some texture. I can only use Noggit and placing down objects and create living towns and environment that are in the database. Or cutting the bigger WMO-s into smaller parts, like I did it with Dalaran. Holy hell I can spend hours with building fences in Noggit :D

I read a lot Wow Lore, and I am committed creating lore-friendly towns, and quest opportunities. Also, I have suggestions how can be this custom content sellable, playable, balanced and fun. I am doing my thesis at university and workings as a trainee, so I have free time.

Note: I don't want to use my old maps anymore. Since "Battle For Azeroth" is coming, It includes better models for this territories. And I am not interested in any other projects, only this one.

PM me here, I wouldn't share my private email address to the public.

I included some pictures of this unfinished zones.


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Thoraric, interestingly enough I've been working on the same concept for about a year. I have a small Team of talented modders working with me to ultimately create a Warcraft 3 RP Experience. If you're interested in learning more you can contact me on Discord 


Edit: For reference, here is some of our work.There's plenty more, but I am intentionally keeping quiet about this Project.






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