
MoP adding new races

did u manage to do this on cata? and what races did u try to add, duplicated human?or failed textures on everyone

i dont think theres any tutorial on this execpt 335, so get to the bottom of this ppl really stupid retail is on expansion nr zillion and this was done only on wrath? ,b I still didn't come to this part with +races but was something I had planned, so plz help him out and dont make me solve this issue..

cos when i solve hot burning issues its revolutionary, ground-breaking.. breath taking.. like when I enabled all race-class combos after 335.. so guys plz.. I cant carry dis hole place all the time..

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The error you are getting is due to an interface File called charCreation or something where the maximum amount of Races is set to a  fixed number. This needs to be fixed in your client. 

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50 minutes ago, Mr. DK said:

The error you are getting is due to an interface File called charCreation or something where the maximum amount of Races is set to a  fixed number. This needs to be fixed in your client. 

As you can see in the spoiler, I have edited that. The problem is that my client ignores any edits I make in lua/xml

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Yes and that needs a sopcial executable that fixes this not entierly sure if somone did that for mop I did remove it for WoD 6.2.4 This is done whith hex editin the executable.

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1 hour ago, Mr. DK said:

Yes and that needs a sopcial executable that fixes this not entierly sure if somone did that for mop I did remove it for WoD 6.2.4 This is done whith hex editin the executable.

58 minutes ago, Ohai said:

yea exe has restrictions inside of it i think

The problem is that they appear to have been removed (it reads all other files, like models, dbcs, maps, etc) but it still doesn't read. I also tried using the exe from @Elrena's loginscreen patch, which must have the restriction removed, but it doesn't either

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Reading files and interface protection is 2 diffrent things. About the exe of somone else I cant say much.

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dont know what that loginscreen exe removed but it probably wasnt edited for +races, or else they would mention that? :b maybe

i remmeber opeining an exe year ago with 010 or something, ++notepad? anyway i found races were listed a few times but that was the only time i did something like that, its pretty hacky fucked up, you cant read the data clearly only some lines or something  

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Update your Core, DBC ( CharSection.dbc files) and update your Interface .lua and .xml files. Your exe works perfect for new races. 


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3 hours ago, Senix said:

Update your Core, DBC ( CharSection.dbc files) and update your Interface .lua and .xml files. Your exe works perfect for new races. 


As you can see in what I wrote above, I did update my interface files, the problem is that my client IGNORES any lua/xml files I put into mpqs

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hey, u no what u could try..

update your Core, DBC ( CharSection.dbc files) and update your Interface .lua and .xml files ?


point being noone ever did it, or atleast publicly released anything like that so its up to you to crack it(exe?) and maek a nice tutorial after that too ofc ???? (*^_^*)

and i hef to b really cozy when i read it PopularFlashyAegeancat-size_restricted.g

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