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Converting WoD adts to Legion (010Editor script)

Hello there, MC community!

I have for a while been looking for a tool to convert WoD (or even wotlk) adts to Legion, as you could no longer see any object, and after a whole day of research without any result but this thread, I decided to take a look at the wiki and try to do it by myself. Which I eventually somehow succeeded to.

I then decided to write a 010Editor script so I could at least give people something usable and let the hope of modern modding shine.

It doesn't do everything it should do, could cause some errors, isn't fully optimal but it works - at least for me.
Tried it on lostisles adts that have been ported on WotLK for noggit, then verted to WoD with PhilipTNG 010Editor scripts, and haven't got any problem yet.

Further "technical" details below, here is the link for the impatient folks:
You need to apply the script on the _obj1.adt file ONLY. If you don't have one, simply copy the _obj0.adt, rename it to the _obj1 part and use the script on it.


Bad things that I'm aware of:

  • The m2 models never had a CAaBox in the adt, so I created one from the object coords with a default radius of 300, which you can change at the very beginning of the script, in the "configuration part"
  • The WMO models got their CAaBox moved and they are now written the same way as m2s. The thing is I messed up the "cut/paste" part of this and went on completely removing the old CAaBox and creating a new one with a default radius of 300, exactly like I did for m2s
  • The MBMB and MLFD chunks are not added, last one because of the next point
  • The _lod.adt part is not created, because it seems optionnal and I first of all wanted something working.

If this script can help some people to make their own converter with better and smoother results, then I'd be happy to know about!
This is completely free of any exigence, I do not ask for any credit if you plan to reuse this or anything. You do your own business, I do mine, if you want to "steal" it and claim it as yours, well, this is the almighty internet and I won't care much!

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tried your script today I converted both obj (o and 1) becasue otherwise i got a streaming error. Now when I enter the map I have no ground as you can see on the screenshot. Any idea what might cause this?


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Most probably because you used the legion conversion on the obj0 part. If I said that it is only for the obj1, it is because only the obj1 adt part has changed.

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