
Flying Animation


I'm looking for a way to have flying (be it a spell or .gm fly on) players use flying animations, just like NPCs do, not swim or walk on air. I have tried making an animation replacement spell, but flying animations, e.g. FlyRun, still look like non-flying.

It now seems to me that the only way to actually make it work is core editing (in fact, I think it's better to have a more 'general' solution such as this, instead of bothering with spells for each animation, etc.), and I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction (i.e. the right file to edit, for example)

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If you make a spell, you can trigger the animation you want in Spellvisual.dbc and SpellVisualKit.dbc, as you do with the mount sitting animation. However when you walk it won't trigger the "Fly Run" animation.
You can make the spell interrupted on moving, and make it trigger another similar spell that applies the "Fly Run" animation. Never did it myself, but the flags are there.

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1 hour ago, Inico said:

If you make a spell, you can trigger the animation you want in Spellvisual.dbc and SpellVisualKit.dbc, as you do with the mount sitting animation. However when you walk it won't trigger the "Fly Run" animation.
You can make the spell interrupted on moving, and make it trigger another similar spell that applies the "Fly Run" animation. Never did it myself, but the flags are there.

I had thought about that, but it seems like too messy of a solution, I'd like to fix the core of the problem, pun intended

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