
Downporting creature models

Hello, this is my first time posting on the forums so i apologize if this is the wrong forum section.

I'm trying to downport NPC models from 7.3 (and higher) to 7.2.5, i'm able to get them to 7.2.5 but the problem is weird stretching as you can see on the screenshot. Is there a way to fix it? I tried weight painting in blender and all sorts of scripts in 010 editor but none of them fixes it. Can anyone link me a tutorial on how to do it or explain it here?


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It's working, but there should be a more efficient way of doing this because the amount of vertices that are assigned to a different bone is insane.

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Have you tried, instead of converting directly 7.3->7.2, to import the 7.3 into blender, and then export from blender in the 7.2 format (I mean import/export through m2i, obviously)? That way vertices should keep the assigned bones, weights, etc.

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I just tried it and the result it this. The model is "floating" and flopping if you know what i mean.


Edited by Aurarius

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Import all .anim and .bone file of the model. Put SET M2UseLOD "0" in your file for the first version of the  model you downported. If that doesn t work I have other soluce

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Usually it s only for character then don t mind that. If they are in your creature folder then i know the problem but you ll have to wait till I get home (6pm and a half for me in France)) in 2 hours or so

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I tried it with the stretched model and the floaty model and none of them still don't work as they should

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I tried upconverting with 

but the model is invisible

Edit: Sorry that i'm bothering you with this so much, but i really need to know how to do it correctly.

Edited by Aurarius

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On 10.12.2017 at 8:47 AM, Aurarius said:

I tried upconverting with 

but the model is invisible

I don't think this script converts TO legion, does it? I imagine your models are invisible because all of them were converted to cata. Try Koward's java m2 converter, you can set the expansion there

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I can't get the converter to work

Edit: nevermind, i just needed the .skin and .anim files to get it working.

Edit2: The model is still invisible, i used Adspartan's converter and then Koward's converter. I also directly exported from blender without changing the meshes.

Edit3: I tried to downport the model with Koward's converter and then port it back to legion but it still comes out invisible.

Edited by Aurarius

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If it is invisible it means the header MD21 is badly done: here you can learn how to write a good MD21 header, 


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I don't know what i'm doing wrong but i still can't get it to being visible

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send me your model in pm i'll have a look (base files + your files, and telle me what version you want it on)

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