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Possible to display DB stored value in client


Currently looking to see if this is something possible or not (not entirely certain), we're currently planning a paragon leveling system in the server I am working on and we're wanting to actually be able to display the level progress to the client directly and not have to do a gossip window. We're running on Azerothcore so doing it through something such as Eluna/AIO isn't possible.

Overall, just wondering if doing something like this would even be possible and kind of a general idea in how we can achieve this. Would really be a matter of retrieving 3 values that're stored in the database (Current PXP, Needed PXP to level, Paragon Level). Anyways, any help or information on this is greatly appreated!


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There is an outdated C++ version of AIO called CAIO. If you google a bit you can still find the repository. You could port this to Azerothcore to still get it working. :)

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