
Own 3.3.5a Noggit Map to Legion

Hey guys the title says my question^^ is it possible to port my own 3.3.5a noggit map to legion? 

if yes, please tell me how to do this^^

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I don't think legion modding started yet there's no doc neither tools atm. they've just started modding on WoD where Filedata is still available.

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13 hours ago, Senix said:

Hey guys the title says my question^^ is it possible to port my own 3.3.5a noggit map to legion? 

if yes, please tell me how to do this^^

That won't give you much. There are no tools utilizing the features of new clients at the moment. There is no point in moving to anything higher than 3.3.5 without it since compared to original content your custom edits will look like shit without texture scaling and other new features.

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