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Patch 7.3 issue!

Ok as it seems with the arrival of 7.3 Blizz did again. My issue this time is invisible weapons. I converted a 2H sword and unfortunately it comes out invisible. I tried also to use Philips tool but same effect. So I'm out ideas how I can make visible again. Any suggestions would help.

Thanks in advance lads!

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try taking an old sword from 7.3 and another from a prior extension et see in 010 if the structure is the same except for the header

cause in 7.3 the m2 structures are changing. .skel for characters and chunks for other

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On 21.10.2017 at 11:43 AM, Uthil said:

Ok as it seems with the arrival of 7.3 Blizz did again. My issue this time is invisible weapons. I converted a 2H sword and unfortunately it comes out invisible. I tried also to use Philips tool but same effect. So I'm out ideas how I can make visible again. Any suggestions would help.

Thanks in advance lads!

umm philips tool ? did i miss something ? what does it do ? I thought retail modding was dead ... 

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Phillips tool is to convert cata/panda to wotlk with the minimum loss of polys/particles etc, old tool. My issue is that converting the model from 7.3 down to vanilla model is invisible, that might relates to the new security system that Blizz added since I didn't have such issues on creature models or weapon models. At the moment I haven't found a 7.2 client in order to compare models and check Roccus advice.

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