
Change liquid in an area (Lordaeron)

I checked in Noggit and it looks like the slime in Lordaeron is a part of the wmo. So wrong dbc, maybe?

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So as I've answered in vk.com you need to change LiquidType in MOGP chunk of wmo_group that include any liquids. Needed values(water, ocean, lava, slime) you can find in LiquidType.dbc. So in your case you need to change 4 to 1.

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I've created a single, small building, which I have extended later. So, in the end, there are actually 4 versions of that building, every single one is a little bit different. Keep on mind that that high stone lower part of the building and these stairs leading towards its entrance are there to make spawning of these buildings on angled terrain more simple and less restrictive - for example WoD buildings must stand on nearly perfect plane, which I find very limiting and unlikable. However, noone forces you to actually spawn those buildings with entrances so high above the terrain.

Those buildings don't have cellars, mainly because I simply haven't kept in mid while I was doing them that a cellar might be a near and requested feature. Cellars will appear in later model sets. There are 4 buildings in the first release.:

  1. Just a simple building, with one room.
  2. 2nd level was added, with stairs leading to it.
  3. The same as #2, but this one has also one extra side room, which can be used for storing stuff or whatever.
  4. This one lacks #3's extra side room, but it gets neat tower (with interior properly modelled, like I said - everything will be passable) and a balcony, so some luxury over there!

All buildings need a revamp by using newer version of WMO addon and fix of their windows. I'll get it done... eventually.


You can download an up to date version of my WMO pack here.:











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I've created a single, small building, which I have extended later. So, in the end, there are actually 4 versions of that building, every single one is a little bit different. Keep on mind that that high stone lower part of the building and these stairs leading towards its entrance are there to make spawning of these buildings on angled terrain more simple and less restrictive - for example WoD buildings must stand on nearly perfect plane, which I find very limiting and unlikable. However, noone forces you to actually spawn those buildings with entrances so high above the terrain.

Those buildings don't have cellars, mainly because I simply haven't kept in mid while I was doing them that a cellar might be a near and requested feature. Cellars will appear in later model sets. There are 4 buildings in the first release.:

  1. Just a simple building, with one room.
  2. 2nd level was added, with stairs leading to it.
  3. The same as #2, but this one has also one extra side room, which can be used for storing stuff or whatever.
  4. This one lacks #3's extra side room, but it gets neat tower (with interior properly modelled, like I said - everything will be passable) and a balcony, so some luxury over there!

All buildings need a revamp by using newer version of WMO addon and fix of their windows. I'll get it done... eventually.


You can download an up to date version of my WMO pack here.:











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I've made these walls actually quite some time ago, but I didn't intend to release them until I finish towers for them. Seeing how unlikely it is for me to finish those towers in reasonable amount of time, I have decided to release at least walls, for now. You can get an updated version of my WMO pack here.:




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I've made these walls actually quite some time ago, but I didn't intend to release them until I finish towers for them. Seeing how unlikely it is for me to finish those towers in reasonable amount of time, I have decided to release at least walls, for now. You can get an updated version of my WMO pack here.:




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