
Post Your Desktop!

Hello everybody! Here is a thread I always like to make on forums because I feel like a person's desktop tells a lot about them and it shows what they're currently going through as far as hobbies and projects are concerned.

Especially as gamers, taking periodical screenshots of our desktops can help us reflect on the past. It's also a pretty fun way to show others how unorganized we are (or aren't) and also share whatever half-naked chicks or cars we're into.

So without further ado, commence the posting of the desktops! Also here's mine:


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Here's mine, dual screen pawaaaaa :D (the first one is in 1920*1080 and the second is in 1366*768)

Sans titre-3.jpg

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This is actually a very old version, and has been totally remade, this is just for Archive purposes.


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This is actually a very old version, and has been totally remade, this is just for Archive purposes.


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Spent half of this day tweaking the UI. Here is the current result. 9xeupoF.pngThe desktop is pretty much done, though I need to find a way to style the explorer windows now.

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