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Spell skillshot

Hey guys!

First, what I mean by skillshot is some kind of spell that can be cast with initially no target and then finds it's target which is in a straight path in front of the caster, for example. This kind of spells it's commonly used on MOBAs and there were added some of these on WOD and in LegionI,I believe.

So my question is : How can this be added to Wotlk? 

I have already tried by editing spell.dbc with Stoneharry's tool and messing with the target options with no success. I think that it could be done by scripting on the core, but I have not edited any spell on the core yet.

Has anyone tried to make this before?


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So you have two ways about this:

#1: Your skillshot is a cone based spell so that after the cast completes, any targets in front of you take damage. Some abilities that used this concept already exist without any additional coding including ones that are a long straight line in front of the caster.

#2: Blizzard has to rely on invisible NPCs carrying spell effects to actually get away with a projectile based skillshot - one that takes time to reach its destination. You can see this in various wave like abilities (Archbishop Benedictus 'Wave of Virtue'). The dummy spellcast spawns the NPC beneath the caster, and the NPC travels forwards in the direction they face.  Usually the invisible NPC has a spell effect that does damage to everyone within so many yards of it every second.

How to go about doing this? I'm afraid I can't help you there. See if you can think up of any boss in WoTLK or prior that uses a skillshot mechanic and then try and find if there are any scripts on TrinityCore 3.3.5 that handle that boss. You might be lucky and be able to copy something.

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Thanks Razmataz.

I'll take look for the second option, which is the one that I would like to implement, the only problem is that I don't remember any boss with that kind of spell mechanic.

About the first option,I think the radius of the cone also determines the range of the spell, so the drawback of this is that it would hit more targets than the intended. I mean, if the range was like 15 yd, the spell would hit some targets that aren't exactly in front the caster.

I'll visit some TBC dungeons, maybe there are some useful bosses there xD.

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On 16/03/2017 at 0:15 AM, Razmataz said:

Some abilities that used this concept already exist without any additional coding including ones that are a long straight line in front of the caster.

Specifically in world.spell_custom_attr you need to set SPELL_ATTR0_CU_CONE_LINE for the spell

The downside is that you can't aim a cone up or down. For me, the holy grail would be something like Divine Star, but apparently that's bugged on later versions of TrinityCore too.

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