
Project: Brining back our jobs, brining back our borders, brining back our wealth, and brining back our dreams

Noone appreciates your jokes here, such cruel nerds lol

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First step - Ban characters from Orgrimmar and Silvermoon.

Next - Allow artefact weapons in schools.

Then - Re-write lore with Alternative Facts.

Finally - molest all Draenei females.

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Don't forget to make Legion invasion in Star Wars style - Star Destroyers coming with 2nd speed of light from everywhere!

Time for new player class. Jedi? Wait, not gonna work. Yedi! That might work for copyright laws. Something like Blademaster, #DefinitelyNotSamurai

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On 8.2.2017 at 7:51 AM, MR.Farrarie said:

by building a wall

And the community will pay for it! :D

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