
Make OBJTOM2 M2 work with Legion.

Hi, to communicate my issue as best as I can, I'll start by saying this, I'm modding only the latest expansions every time, and that is because I believe progress is forward, not backward.

This issue; ObjtoM2 used to convert Objects into Wrath of the Lich King M2 format, which it still does.

All you had to do in 010 editor was use the LKtoCata script, and it would work with WoD, Cata, MoP etc.

Not working with Legion, I've tried it, and yes I added the MD21 prefix, nothing works.

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As for the renderflag issue, it's just due to me combining a character M2 with an armor M2, anyway, fixed.

I only needed a script because there was so many flags to tick.

Well, I don't wanna toss away this thread, so let's change it into something useful for others too..


How do I make an ObjtoM2 M2 compatable with Legion? I've tried this ~ 

Convert Obj to M2 the same way as usual

Open in 010 editor and run LKtoCata script on skin and m2, add legion prefix, open m2 template and set renderflags, open game and it crashes when I enter world.

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did you know you have to add the SFID chunk in the end of the m2 ?


The SFID chunk depends of the number of skins you have (1 to 4) and point to filedata id for each skin

You can't really add M2 in Legion, you can only swap.

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1 hour ago, Rangorn said:

You can't really add M2 in Legion, you can only swap.

Really? New files do not work? It is pointless to mod it then.

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if there is a way to modify the whole CASC system and include a custom root, modding can be possible.

Saddly, modifying the CAS System isn't a thing i can do for the moment, too complicated.

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10 hours ago, Rangorn said:

if there is a way to modify the whole CASC system and include a custom root, modding can be possible.

Saddly, modifying the CAS System isn't a thing i can do for the moment, too complicated.

What about directory reading? Was it removed in Legion?

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17 hours ago, Rangorn said:

if there is a way to modify the whole CASC system and include a custom root, modding can be possible.

Saddly, modifying the CAS System isn't a thing i can do for the moment, too complicated.

For Modding you dont need modify CASC, place you files in the wow dir and start the modded exe :)

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HOW THE HELL DO I DO IT THEN? The man is half right ,you definitely can't upconvert Objtom2 M2s to Legion....

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12 minutes ago, luzifix said:

For Modding you dont need modify CASC, place you files in the wow dir and start the modded exe :)

didn't work with the root file

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What If I'm just editing a static M2, not making a new one? How do I merge the old one with the new one? 

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I still don't know how to make a static M2 from scratch and replace a current ingame file.

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In Legion they removed DBC/db2 structure that handles file path's and replaced the whole system with a hasing process which makes legion close to impossible to mod at all.


Here you can see what exactly I mean. In order to make "new" content you need to generate this hashvalue. So good luck with that. If that makes you break all this your welcome but Its most unlikely atm.

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