
Model isn't transparent!

From one issue to another.

Anyway, here's my issue; I set the renderflags in my M2 to RM_AlphaTesting (1)

Instead of having transparency appear, there's just black spots on my model, in place of the alpha channel. My first assumption is that this must have something to do with the image its self, so I check if the channel is there and working, other programs read the channel just fine, then I assume BLP converter removes the alpha..

I'm told all I have to do is select clothing texture in GUI and it works, that's what I did, and it isn't working..

At this point I'm not sure what's going on, but I've tried every single renderflag, and none work.

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You should mention what expansion it is instead what model it is which quite irrelevant

if its LK i can maybe do smth but if its WoD then i must says that i have already seen one such case where transparency was not transparent but black in place where it was obviously transparent (same model worked in LK w/o problems) not sure what they fucked up in WoD again 

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I was never midding WoD at first place so I have no idea what has to be do in order to get that transparency working ... 
im just telling ya that you cant use same way as if it was LK ... so if there is any WoD modder around with skills in 3D stuffs ask him 

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It's mainly just M2 flag along with blp flags I normally use body flag with blp converter and armor flag depending what it is I want to be transparent.

Also could you show a screenshot of the model in game?

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Guys, take a look at for example Malygos model. I know that when his textures with that glow around runes is made transparent, he turns black instead. In order to really make it appear transparent in game, one acutally has to turn it solid black - so there's some sort of setting which makes black be displayed as transparent and transparent as black. I have no idea where is this set, I just know models which do this. You can in general meet with this kind of effect when it comes to some glows and particle effects - especially fires (even on WotLK, or, I think, I've never actually seen this on any preWotLK stuff, but I might be wrong here).

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