
Swapping Ground effects


For my current project I need to know how you swap the ground effects in a random zone in Azeroth. I edited the eastern plaguelands I wanted to switch the ground effects (small mushrooms, skulls, etc.) into ground effects of Elwynn forest for example.

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I'd expect every beginner pack to contain groundeffectadder. You may drag ADT on it and enter IDs from GroundEffectTexture.dbc to change ground effects.

Another possibility would be to edit GroundEffectTexture.dbc itself and overwrite original Blizzlike data there with those from Elwynn. The problem is that you need to know which IDs are used where and you would also loose original Plaguelands ground effects. But it would affect all places where those effects are used and that may be quicker then changing effect IDs ADT by ADT.

To determine which effect IDs are those you may want to change/use, take a look into GroundEffectDoodad.dbc. Doodads there are from World/NoDXT/ folder - you may create your own custom ground effects if you want to.

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Just a quick note, something I personally missed when I was a beginner in this thing, ground effects aren't used just for spawning little doodads everywhere, they are also used for setting type of "material" terrain is made of, the sounds of walking over that particular terrain texture and wheter character shall leave tracks on it.

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I guess I will try out the groundeffect adder method! Thanks a lot.
The groundeffects will be overwritten so i can add the new ones I guess?

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Yep. Adder will ask you which effect ID you want to assign to a texture. Choose 0 for none, or any ID for... well, an ID. YOu may also use -1 value, to leave effect which was previously there.

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So i need to delete the ground effects first with -1 and then add others?

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No. You only need to open an ADT in adder and for each texture EITHER select a new ID of ground effect OR choose 0 to delete a ground effect OR use -1 to leave ground effect which was in that texture until you have opened that ADT in adder.

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Alright so I tried a few times to change the groundeffects on a certain ADT. But I get only fail results, I dont know what I am doing wrong, I was strictly following the tutorial on modcraft about how to add groundeffects:


And I made a few screenshots:



(The last line is the new set I added)


(This is the cmd window after dragging the adt over groundeffectadder.exe, I left the rocktexture as they was but I added the grass and flower effects to their textures, dont know if you can add several groundeffects to one texture, would like to know)


(the final result, no groundeffects anywhere, the sound while running over the grass texture is wrong too, it sounds like i am walking over stone)


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Thank you for your tutorial but you should update it, in the wowdevkit is no groundeffects folder or a groundeffects.bat, very confusing, am I missing something right in front of me?

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You are supposed to use ID of ground effect in GroundEffectAdder, not ID of ground effect doodad. So no, don't use 232, 4, 5, 2... Those are IDs of doodads. You want to use ID of effect itself, which is in your case 72989.

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Thank you! It finally worked! So glad that this part is done now :)


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