
Custom Wmo Crash

I made a model in blender, and tried to export it as wmo but all of my custom wmo-s crash, when i try to look at them. What could be the source of the problem?

My export settings are simple, Vertex shading off since its an outdoor model, and thats all.

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What game version? We need more information. If possible, pictures of outliner, object settings (orange cube tab), vertex group settings (tab with collision and portals), materials and export settings. I need only pictures of WoW related things. I do not need to see the entire content of the tab.

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Alright when im at home gonna make some pic, the error code helps, i mean the error which crashed me ingame?

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I was tired yesterday gonna make picture about that today evening

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what is outliner? I pushed the button and this appeared


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Looks fine from what I can see. I need to have a look at those wmos through teamviewer or skype screen sharing.

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