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Removing Level text next to name/ in character select

For example in the Character Select screen after you log in, it will say:


Level: 1 Warrior


How do I just make it say, [CHARACTER NAME]


in my mod I'm trying to remove leveling all together, maybe also next to the bars in game the little circle with your level displayed how do I remove the text? and maybe edit the GUI and fill in the circle so it becomes solid. Also in the Character Menu where you can view all your stats ect how do I remove the Level. 

Oh and don't forget when you hover over someone or something with your mouse it says it's level, I want to get rid of that too... any help? 




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Okay so I have a problem: I have no idea what I'm doing or looking for.. I tried editing CharacterSelect.lua and like TargetFrame but I just ended up breaking some UI and getting an error. Can anyone specifically point out what I have to edit to achieve this? Thank you :D

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Well I was able to get in game, it was working fine. I just don't know what to edit, I have no knowledge. This repack won't show me what values I have to change in the LUA files. 

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