
Noggit Qt

A fresh new Noggit, I think a lot of people will love you :P

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Approximate Changelog since 1.4:

  • Steff | Fix: If you selected an model, copied to clipboard, deleted source (it it is last model on map of this type) and pasted it then. Noggit crashed.
  • Steff | Calculate camera height related to terrain height on map load.
  • Steff | Fix that texture swapper stayed visible if you changed the tool
  • Steff | Add new option to toggle model animation rendering. F11 and Menu option in View menu added for this. For easyer model selection like birds.
  • schlumpf | various memory leaks or potential crashes
  • Valium | Initial support for drawing tablets on Windows.  Crashes if you don't have a tablet installed.
  • Valium | Implemented Blizzard style wireframe.
  • schlumpf | mapchunk: save: fix: only set low_quality_texture_map bits once to avoid error in overwriting (missing clean) (the 4 layer bug)
  • Adspartan | Fix to prevent texture duplication on a chunk (swapping duplicated textures remove the duplicate).
  • Adspartan | Fix random hole bug when using the hole tool by checking is the cursor is not underground when adding a hole.
  • Adspartan | Set tile as changed when using "swap adt".
  • Adspartan | Misc : prevent m2/wmo selection when using a tool
  • Adspartan | Fix texture shift ingame
  • Adspartan | Alphamap loading / saving changes
  • Adspartan | Prevent crash when loading or drawing wmo. (for retroported WMOs)
  • Adspartan | Fix texture shift between noggit and wow client
  • Adspartan | Fix alphamap loading for uncompressed (2048)
  • Adspartan | Paste object at the cursor pos if nothing is selected
  • Adspartan | Vertex shading is now correctly implemented.
  • Kaev | This should hopefully fix all model bugs when you save your files

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I've reuploaded the file because i accidently uploaded the slower debug version.

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The post goes to the main page and sticky. Though, we could use Releases section as it supports some basic versioning. 

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I've fixed a small bug which luckily noone noticed yet. I've also uploaded a archive now with all needed dll files. :)

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25 minutes ago, MR.Farrarie said:

most of the adt have standard shader !


What exactly are you trying to show us here?

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Good, now make it available on WoD



nah just kidding, good job Kaev, you are really the best, i honestly can't spit on Noggit (even if it's wotlk)

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"  The program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer.  " 

Yeah funny so now after toons of noggit version i am forced to update my  Visual C++ chfpmfpfffffffff nevermind i can live without noggit 1.4 is after all still workin'

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9 minutes ago, Alastor Strix'Efuartus said:

"  The program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer.  " 

Yeah funny so now after toons of noggit version i am forced to update my  Visual C++ chfpmfpfffffffff nevermind i can live without noggit 1.4 is after all still workin'

You can easily compile it by yourself if you don't want to update your Visual C++. :P I just compiled it with Visual Studio 2015 because i don't have any other version installed anymore.

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1 hour ago, Alastor Strix'Efuartus said:

"  The program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer.  " 

Yeah funny so now after toons of noggit version i am forced to update my  Visual C++ chfpmfpfffffffff nevermind i can live without noggit 1.4 is after all still workin'

You do not even need to have it on your PC. Just throw proper DLLs in the folder or install runtime redistributables. 

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Be careful, Steff warned me that there are some untested things in the SDL branch which could lead to bugs. If you can find any, please report them!

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I would rather point that out directly in name of topic, that this is just a testing, not stable version. Well, any Noggit program marked as "stable" would look hilarious, but... You get my point :D.

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@Skarn That Dll is something that was releasd with Visual C++ and Visual Studio 2015 its in damned pack that i would have to install just right now (i mean right now when i needed it ) and i jsut dont wanted to restart PC until i finish few things so i was just unable to procede as i wanted when i updated Nogit version and this error was given to me

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17 minutes ago, Amaroth said:

I would rather point that out directly in name of topic, that this is just a testing, not stable version. Well, any Noggit program marked as "stable" would look hilarious, but... You get my point :D.


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Brilliant work guys, good job <3

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This is awesome! Great work :D


Btw, will the feature of smaller water squares and diffrent heights within one adt ever be added?

or has it already been added, but am i to stupid to have seen the commands for this..

Anyway, thx  :D:D


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13 minutes ago, kekie said:

This is awesome! Great work :D


Btw, will the feature of smaller water squares and diffrent heights within one adt ever be added?

or has it already been added, but am i to stupid to have seen the commands for this..

Anyway, thx  :D:D


I have that on a "private" version, I'll be adding this to the official repo soon along with other functionality.

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