
Which WoW modding/emulation software do you want to see?




I once tried to translate it to English and I did it as far as I remember but I gave it up due to a huge variety of bugs presenting in the code which made the tool almost unusable. I will have a look on my hard drive though, maybe I still have the translation. Anyway would be great to have such tool.



I'm still alive and can help translate or update this program if needed. If it's bugged, I can debug it.




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On 16. 5. 2016 at 1:14 PM, Amaroth said:

What I would find usefull and very noob-user-friendly would be some kind of MySQL editor similiar to Truice, BUT with possibility to add/edit documentation and to change settings for tables. So anyone would be able to update settings of his application to match his database version (someone uses new TCs, someone quite old TCs, someone doesn't use TC at all...) or to even be able to work with some custom fields he might have added into his database tables. And also, anyoneone could edit hints for different fields, or even make a translation of documentation. Both these kind of setting might be packed up in one data file which could be shared, so community would be able to update documentation, share it, translate it...

Function "check database compatibility" would be also great, editor would check if all DB tables on MySQL server exist in his settings and if all their fields are in his settings. Something would be missing? OK, lets generate basic settings for missing content (field name, field type). And notify user, that something new had to be added and give him immediately question, if he wants to make custom settings for that field. Does he want to rename it for himself into something more self-explanatory? Does he want to add some hint to it, which will tell him, what value does what in that field? Main devs of project would be updating documentation file for their database and share it with team developers. I personaly think this would be a great tool for everyone in team who is just a GM, but no real experienced modder.

I was thinking about doing this myself, but I am far from being good experienced programmer and don't have enough time for such project. Actually, this editor might be very good even for something different than WoW, if it will be as flexible as I requested above. Different profiles for different things... And so on. Possibility to edit some particular record in "Truice style" or to open a whole table in "Navicat style"... I would gladly help with creating settings and documentation for tables as I know most of TC databases very well, I just can't do that coding.

Just to let you know guys in case someone was interrested in this... I'm doing this on my own for my bc. Will release as open source afterwards.

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On 9/27/2016 at 9:45 PM, Leor said:



I'm still alive and can help translate or update this program if needed. If it's bugged, I can debug it.




So did anything happen on this? 

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I would like to see tools open to the community that can span the whole creative width and breadth of content creation for a 1.12.1 Server.

I have over a period of time been creating content, items, NPCs, 3D models all in the hope that one day I can find a way to implement them. Right now I am eating glass and staring into the abyss. I have a burning desire to add new content to the 1.12.1 version of World of Warcraft; I do not know why I have this desire in full. Yet I know that I must pursue this passion and see it through for better or for worse; I press onward. Although with a practical mind realize that I cannot achieve this creative feat alone. Rome was not built in a day nor was Rome built by one set of hands. So with these concluding sentiments I ask of the creative community if they want to pursue these creative tools and pour life into uncharted territory.

With the very best of intentions; Matthew Gordon Roulston. (Also I have made a video log of some of the recent World of Warcraft related projects that I am have been up to and progressed at in a meaningful way over at my YouTube channel: Rocket-Powered Ice Cream (https://www.youtube.com/user/funkycowsx2/videos?view=0&shelf_id=0&sort=dd).

Vault of the Watcher 3D Visualization![Icon].png

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I'd love a mod manager, something that can take a list of MPQ patches and merge their DBC edits. For me, merging DBC files is no problem, but for the average user it's not possible without requesting it from the mod creator. If I could include a mod manager with my mods it would cut out a lot of questions and requests that I get regarding mod compatibility.

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Noggit and m2/wmo editor(3dx/blender/any converter) for 1.12.1

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If anyone working on noggit would invest time in that, they hopefully would not do some shitty exporter but actually move to newer versions.

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On 1/11/2019 at 11:10 AM, wungasaurus said:



maybe at least possibility to preview legion terrain shader?

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2 hours ago, darthy said:

In the name of Ragnarok-wow 4.3.4 dev team I would like to write this. We need:

1) Cataclysm Noggit


2) PhillipTNG's LK>Cata ADT converter - he has dead download links and nobody uploaded the tool on MC.net or Mega. I consider it as a disaster that we lost this amazing tool. If anybody of you still have it, please upload the tool.

3) Cataclysm spell editor

Our team mods cata, because the community is frozen in wotlk and there was an idea to mod WoD. Cata is still quite similar, you managed to mod wotlk, modding is dificult on new expansions. Move to cata, if you want to change expansion and do not jump on WoD, Leg, or BfA. It ia too far.

1) => You can use Noggit and do mapping for Cata + (still work for me, i'm on BFA 8.0.1) If you want to downport Cata+ asset (M2, WMO, ADT, etc...) you can use the MultiConverter, made by Adspartan :

2) => For ADT Conversion, use Luzifix's Tool, it is better and fast than 010 Editor Script !


3) For this point, can't help you, sorry man ! Gl

I known, it's not what you want,  that implies various steps, but it's a good solution for the moment.

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On 8/15/2019 at 12:10 PM, Helnesis said:

1) => You can use Noggit and do mapping for Cata + (still work for me, i'm on BFA 8.0.1) If you want to downport Cata+ asset (M2, WMO, ADT, etc...) you can use the MultiConverter, made by Adspartan :

2) => For ADT Conversion, use Luzifix's Tool, it is better and fast than 010 Editor Script !


3) For this point, can't help you, sorry man ! Gl

I known, it's not what you want,  that implies various steps, but it's a good solution for the moment.

Well, the thing is that you can't use this convertor for Cata modding as far as I know.

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I thought it's work for Cata+ sorry.


When i'm going out the work, i can check on my PC, it seem i have Philips Tools, i can reupload it.

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I have been trying to do some research on world map editing, and while I was capable of making map appear once you enter the area, I can't make it clickable on the continent map.

I have a hunch that data required to edit this is stored in zmp file, however, there is no tool to read and edit this file.


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Server mmap, vmap, map generator that can generate maps for our custom maps created in noggit. TC extractors often crash because modders have custom and retroported models on adts and wdts also can be corrupted from the extractor's view. TC developers do not expect that we will make custom maps. It is developed for blizzlike LK servers.

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1 hour ago, darthy said:

Server mmap, vmap, map generator that can generate maps for our custom maps created in noggit. TC extractors often crash because modders have custom and retroported models on adts and wdts also can be corrupted from the extractor's view. TC developers do not expect that we will make custom maps. It is developed for blizzlike LK servers.

It works fine lmfao and Noggit is fine as well, without a crashlog or anything we cannot help you at all xD

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2 hours ago, darthy said:

Server mmap, vmap, map generator that can generate maps for our custom maps created in noggit. TC extractors often crash because modders have custom and retroported models on adts and wdts also can be corrupted from the extractor's view. TC developers do not expect that we will make custom maps. It is developed for blizzlike LK servers.

darthy, try make they on Debian

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