
Which WoW modding/emulation software do you want to see?

Guys, if you are good with C# you can revive some repositerory/ies ;)

I think about this one https://bitbucket.org/LeorFinacre/world-editor

World Editor is an old project but it works, you can edit

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Instead of dev new ones, why people cannot complete this one ? and debug some issues :D ! (This program is basically written in french, I can help to translate it into English if someone wants to make a multi language program)


I remember an other thing, but it doesn't exist anymore : a guy modified Wow Model Viewer, when he creates a new npc display, he saves it as a custom format, this format was creating blp + a sql/txt/whatever line you can add directly in your DBCs and in your Database, it was very useful !

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1 hour ago, Hyakkimaru said:

Guys, if you are good with C# you can revive some repositerory/ies ;)

I think about this one https://bitbucket.org/LeorFinacre/world-editor

World Editor is an old project but it works, you can edit

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Instead of dev new ones, why people cannot complete this one ? and debug some issues :D ! (This program is basically written in french, I can help to translate it into English if someone wants to make a multi language program)


I remember an other thing, but it doesn't exist anymore : a guy modified Wow Model Viewer, when he creates a new npc display, he saves it as a custom format, this format was creating blp + a sql/txt/whatever line you can add directly in your DBCs and in your Database, it was very useful !

Translation + a list of things that doesn't work as expected would be nice.

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Actually I can't use it and I don't remember exactly what is buggued.


I haven't touched C# for a long long time, that's why I can help to translate it into english but I cannot make a language selection window :/

Anyway, if someone can do this, contact me on Skype and I'll give every translation you need !

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I once tried to translate it to English and I did it as far as I remember but I gave it up due to a huge variety of bugs presenting in the code which made the tool almost unusable. I will have a look on my hard drive though, maybe I still have the translation. Anyway would be great to have such tool.

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When I started modding there was a continent creator program. I actually think Cromon was the one that released it when he was working on YiasDX. Think the only problem I had with it was it caused gap lines between all the ADTs, but that is no longer an issue with the fix gaps ability within noggit. I still have the files for it, but Id want his ok to upload them.

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6 hours ago, dracbane said:

When I started modding there was a continent creator program. I actually think Cromon was the one that released it when he was working on YiasDX. Think the only problem I had with it was it caused gap lines between all the ADTs, but that is no longer an issue with the fix gaps ability within noggit. I still have the files for it, but Id want his ok to upload them.

I think he is okay with it but as far as I am aware it creates broken ADTs. Those ones made with Taliis which often result into Noggit  laggs and other bad things.

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  • ADT Legion to WoD (because WoD modding is better than WoTLK ;-))
  • M2 & WMO Legion to WoD (same reason)
  • WBD5 format (DB2) (from Legion or WoD newer build I think) to CSV (with structures)
  • Automatic downgrade Itemdisplayinfo, TextureFileData, Filedata from Legion to WoD (and TLK for you modders rofl)
  • Texture searcher for M2, WMO, etc.
  • HoTS and Overwatch Blender Add-on
  • .phys enabler from Legion to WoD

That's all, thanks in advance.

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WoD better than WotLK ? please :') 

Elif :

  • A software that can open many dbc in the same time to do modifications for 3.3.5
  • Noggit without bug :P

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I can agree with Zeb, a good DBC editor, at least compatible up to MoP/Cata. If a separate project can be made for WoD and up since there the change is obvious.

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On 24/05/2016 at 10:35 AM, MrXJKz said:
  • ADT Legion to WoD (because WoD modding is better than WoTLK ;-))
  • M2 & WMO Legion to WoD (same reason)
  • WBD5 format (DB2) (from Legion or WoD newer build I think) to CSV (with structures)
  • Texture searcher for M2, WMO, etc.

That's all, thanks in advance.

kek, already made them, but not sharing it


On 24/05/2016 at 5:14 PM, Zebrech said:

WoD better than WotLK ? please :')

I agree with you man, Wotlk is really a better expansion than wod, better graphics, more content, more features, really, and wotlk was the retail version only 6 years ago !

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3 minutes ago, Смердокрыл said:

*wipes saliva off the table*

*tries to pretend absolutely calm and not excited*

Why not?

I'm paranoiac, i don't want to share programs whose can be used for concurents servers (i'm talking about french community)


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1 minute ago, Rangorn said:

I'm paranoiac, i don't want to share programs whose can be used for concurents servers (i'm talking about french community)

So basically, you don't want to share anything.

Since anything can be used for those servers, right?

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1 hour ago, Смердокрыл said:

So basically, you don't want to share anything.

Since anything can be used for those servers, right?

i can only help trustworthy people (like Helnesis,Chase, Raef and some more) :/

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56 minutes ago, Rangorn said:


I agree with you man, Wotlk is really a better expansion than wod, better graphics, more content, more features, really, and wotlk was the retail version only 6 years ago !

Now WoW it's not a game but a corridor.

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28 minutes ago, Смердокрыл said:

Ah, ok, I get it

It isn't exactly hard to get that he's a complete selfish asshole.

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9 hours ago, Rangorn said:

i can only help trustworthy people (like Helnesis,Chase, Raef and some more) :/

On 16/05/2016 at 8:26 PM, Rangorn said:

i have deleted this, because nobody here need WoD program, everything else is 3.3.5 content.

When i try to help the non-existing 6.x community, people doesn't want to share knowledge, the only answers i get are voluntary not explicit (cf : how to fix the wmo texture bug from Legion), so i decided to stop contributing.

3.3.5 will be the only modding version forever, and that make me sad.


I've got nothing else to say x'D

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14 hours ago, Zebrech said:

Now WoW it's not a game but a corridor.

As much as I agree with this statement (IMO it's a corridor since BC included, but whatever), if we talk about modding you surely must understand the most recent client (not the content) is always better from a technical standpoint. In theory you could actually mod WoD and its databases enough to recreate the content of any expansion, tho it takes dedication and time.

Therefore I think either debating bashing old expansion guys or blinding himself from the technical progress of clients are a bit pointless.


Coming back to the main topic, I'm not sure a CASC editor is needed, since we can mod WoD by adding files directly to the folders. TOM_RUS's explorer is enough.

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12 hours ago, Rangorn said:

I'm paranoiac, i don't want to share programs whose can be used for concurents servers (i'm talking about french community)


It's your opinion and i accept that, but i really can't understand it. What would be the problem when other people would use them? The amount of custom servers is extremely low and every new one will just push the modding community forwards. Every guy who will join the modding community could be the creator a bugfree map editor or whatever tool you could also need and can't do yourself.

I'm looking for a good custom server for years now (i'm not even exaggerating) and never found one. There are so many screenshots and videos of cool projects out there, but the servers will never go live (or die after like a week), because it's a huge load of work which can be quite depressing if Noggit deletes 3 hours of work because you saved twice for example. With every useful tool the chance will get higher to finally see a good server online someday.

And if you think that other custom servers will steal your players: Competition is good for business. The more players are interested in playing custom servers, the more players will join. Examples: "A: Hey B, let's play on Rangorns Custom Server! B: Yeah, why not! Looks great!", "This is a custom server with 100+ players? This has to be a good one, let's check it out"

And if all players really go to a different custom server: You did something horribly wrong (e.g. not listening to your community, no game content), but this hasn't anything to do with some tools you released or not. They would have left anyway sooner or later.

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1 hour ago, Kaev said:

It's your opinion and i accept that, but i really can't understand it. What would be the problem when other people would use them? The amount of custom servers is extremely low and every new one will just push the modding community forwards. Every guy who will join the modding community could be the creator a bugfree map editor or whatever tool you could also need and can't do yourself.

I'm looking for a good custom server for years now (i'm not even exaggerating) and never found one. There are so many screenshots and videos of cool projects out there, but the servers will never go live (or die after like a week), because it's a huge load of work which can be quite depressing if Noggit deletes 3 hours of work because you saved twice for example. With every useful tool the chance will get higher to finally see a good server online someday.

And if you think that other custom servers will steal your players: Competition is good for business. The more players are interested in playing custom servers, the more players will join. Examples: "A: Hey B, let's play on Rangorns Custom Server! B: Yeah, why not! Looks great!", "This is a custom server with 100+ players? This has to be a good one, let's check it out"

And if all players really go to a different custom server: You did something horribly wrong (e.g. not listening to your community, no game content), but this hasn't anything to do with some tools you released or not. They would have left anyway sooner or later.

I agree with that but I believe custom servers are not attractive, because of huge patches that each server has. I've a idea to fight against it : Make a cross-platform with common ressources patches that all custom server will use and 1 or 2 little patches to play on the server you want. 

But this pleasant idea means that everyone cooperate, and that'll never happend.

(sorry for my very bad english :( )

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2 hours ago, Kaev said:

It's your opinion and i accept that, but i really can't understand it. What would be the problem when other people would use them? The amount of custom servers is extremely low and every new one will just push the modding community forwards. Every guy who will join the modding community could be the creator a bugfree map editor or whatever tool you could also need and can't do yourself.

I'm looking for a good custom server for years now (i'm not even exaggerating) and never found one. There are so many screenshots and videos of cool projects out there, but the servers will never go live (or die after like a week), because it's a huge load of work which can be quite depressing if Noggit deletes 3 hours of work because you saved twice for example. With every useful tool the chance will get higher to finally see a good server online someday.

And if you think that other custom servers will steal your players: Competition is good for business. The more players are interested in playing custom servers, the more players will join. Examples: "A: Hey B, let's play on Rangorns Custom Server! B: Yeah, why not! Looks great!", "This is a custom server with 100+ players? This has to be a good one, let's check it out"

And if all players really go to a different custom server: You did something horribly wrong (e.g. not listening to your community, no game content), but this hasn't anything to do with some tools you released or not. They would have left anyway sooner or later.

Actually the real problem comes from french communities, Rangorn comes from here, so do I, a lot of people...

I won't defend him but you have to know french servers are shitty af because :

1) We don't share anymore, the reason is "blah blah I want exclusivity, I want to be the first blah blah", "I don't want to be stealed by John Doe/Jane Doe", some servers (Hi Stormheim if you see me) are developping their own server and what will happen if they fail ? Nothing, they will keep their sources instead of giving a better workbase for Legion. That's why I applause some servers like Sunwell. They close, they release their sources, Nostalrius same, they releasead everything as a sandbox (it's not fantastic but it's still a great gift)

2) People are lazy, actually people are crying for a good repack instead of compiling a core, and after they yell on us because we refuse to help them for a simple reason : they choose the easiest way, they have to deal with. 

At least, this selfish mentality is implanted in every french brain since people said "I won't share anymore, you don't deserve my work", I'm in WoW Emulation for... 8 years now, when I came in, people were nice, helping, and they shared everything (when I say everything, I thought about a full sex shop in Ironforge, a gossip whore system etc...), but after 4 years and 3 new "better" communities I saw nobody was able to help because of lazy teenagers without any skills.

I don't share any file or program except ones I don't really care (like humans HD models, soon Gnomes etc...), it's a huge load of work but with Meta we agree about one thing : It's not the best asset of our project, so, well we can give it to you. Same thing for my tutorials, I share it not because nobody know how to do thing X or Y but one day one guy can need it and I don't want this guy loses his time searching in a dusty dead forum, I post my tutorials because I'm proud to show you I can do something and modding and it remains me nobody knows everything. Even the smallest tutorial in the world is useful :)

I don't care if you think WoD is better than TLK, I won't use WoD because this client has a lot of useless things for my project and I'll lose so much time if I have to disable every useless little thing.

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2 hours ago, Kaev said:

It's your opinion and i accept that, but i really can't understand it. What would be the problem when other people would use them? The amount of custom servers is extremely low and every new one will just push the modding community forwards. Every guy who will join the modding community could be the creator a bugfree map editor or whatever tool you could also need and can't do yourself.


Back to 2014, with Helnesis and some friends, we decided to made our own private server GM-RP 4.3.4, because the N°1 in french community was ruled by a huge fucktard. For this server, i have retroported the WoD HD models for cataclysm (we were really few people doing this in 2014). we got some players just for this.

But, a night, when i was watching the walking dead, i got a notification a skype "hey dude, theses bastards stole your patch for their server", damn i was interrupted watching a serie, i was really mad about this, people don't respect what you do.

Since this day, i am really paranoiac about important content, now we are close to summer 2016, i don't give a fuck about retroporting HD Models, everybody can do it by download or whatever, if somebody take my patch without my consent, i honnestly don't give a shit.

2 hours ago, Kaev said:

I'm looking for a good custom server for years now (i'm not even exaggerating) and never found one. There are so many screenshots and videos of cool projects out there, but the servers will never go live (or die after like a week), because it's a huge load of work which can be quite depressing if Noggit deletes 3 hours of work because you saved twice for example. With every useful tool the chance will get higher to finally see a good server online someday.

Yeah i totally agree, there was a french server named "L'astre", it was the first server including custom transports, darker nights, spawning gob with spells etc...

That was a huge flop.

Only workings RP servers are the one with no specific rules or specific content.

2 hours ago, Kaev said:

And if you think that other custom servers will steal your players: Competition is good for business. The more players are interested in playing custom servers, the more players will join. Examples: "A: Hey B, let's play on Rangorns Custom Server! B: Yeah, why not! Looks great!", "This is a custom server with 100+ players? This has to be a good one, let's check it out"

Competition is good, but it's stressful too :(

And yeah you're right, i have already more than 100 players connected the evening (Record 160)

2 hours ago, Kaev said:

And if all players really go to a different custom server: You did something horribly wrong (e.g. not listening to your community, no game content), but this hasn't anything to do with some tools you released or not. They would have left anyway sooner or later.

Tools can be used against you, happened to me a lot of time.



And i totally agree with Hyakimaru about the french community.

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I think that open source keeps showing us what really works and what just survives, and trys to keep ruling by using force while being complete shit.

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It's once again the open source/closed source debate.

I would just like to remind those who do not publish anything that without the Wiki and other important resources you would all have absolutely nothing. Everything you're basing your work on has been shared for free by others.

It's human to want the thanks and the credit. It makes you feel good, integrated and indispensable, it's a basic instinct. In the past and on another forums, some people took my work too, and I felt the same pain and rage in my heart. Yes, people will always just thank the last man at the chain like if he was the one that invented the wheel, whether it's the actual author of something or some reposter. But amongst those people, there were some that now make progress and share new things. Even 1 over 10000 leechers is enough to make difference. And then others will base their work on their stuff too.

Look at the catastrophic Mangos situation. Every little server do its own fixes, then die years later, and everyone in the world is always fixing the same god damn Darkshore quest. Is this what we want ? Is this really the most efficient way to work in 2016 ? We should not do that for any project. Not for emulation, not for modding, not for anything.

So if it's your goal to get thanks (and it's perfectly normal), go ahead, keep for yourself whatever you do. But if you want to do something beyond your own person, and make the community progress as a whole, then please share.


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