
AI generated maps

Hi there,

I stumbled upon the post by chance, which discusses NPCs generating their own text through ChatGPT and providing logical responses to player questions. Afterward, I wondered whether AI could now be used to create entire maps. The entire concept of modding, especially the sometimes tedious and repetitive work, could potentially be significantly shortened with the help of AI.

After a brief internet search, I didn't come across anything that would directly answer my question. Is there already a possibility, and perhaps someone is working on it who is much smarter than I am and, above all, more knowledgeable?


I would greatly appreciate responses.

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ChatGPT is like a server taking only the text we give it and only popping text out. How do we turn that into a map?

We need to break down ADT data into sensible terms. Take an ADT file and find a way to say "this is where this texture is" etc, etc. Someone with more knowledge about Noggit and ADTs might already know what the inside of an ADT file looks like (I don't). Then we would take the individual data set of ONE ADT and pass it to ChatGPT. That's gotta be A LOT of text.


Then ChatGPT gets the data but it needs to pop out results we are looking for. ChatGPT, please make Goldshire. It needs human houses, texture paths, ground effects, and you could probably even plug in lighting. On top of that it needs to adjust the height of all the polygons that make up the shapes of terrain, and in a sensible manner too, so that roads and curved terrain could accurately be made.

So if we manage to pass all of that information to ChatGPT, it then needs to pop out a result. We would have to ask it to confine its results to one similar of an ADT that its been passed before. Then we need "proof read" it because it's not like ChatGPT is 100% accurate - does the ADT it's giving us back even work in WoW?  A big portion here would be troubleshooting the AI to actually give it the results you want.


After alllllll that's done, just maybe, maybe you would have one working ADT with a tavern 300 miles in the sky and a gnome hut next to Orgrimmar.


I like the concept a lot. It's possible. Just in a whole different realm of difficulties.

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MKBHD discusses multimodal AI, where instead of receiving text it can take things like images and work with that. Kind of flips the entire approach, actually.


Maybe you'll actually see this become a feature in time

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Yes that's exactly what I had in mind.
My best shot would be to wait till someone made it possible, because I can't even start my pc without a youtube tutorial.. :)

  • Haha 1

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