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Making custom models/animations.

Ive recently started trying to make custom models and animations for those models, for WoW 3.3.5. My workflow seems to be hit or miss though and I am unsure why. Things tend to fall apart on the export to m2 step on some models and then will work fine on others. My current workflow is: Make the model, Retopo the model, make and armature (typically using rigify, and building it from the ground up for creatures, or editing the base human rig), then I will animate the model using the control rig that rigify makes, then I use the Game rig tools addon to make a rig that will export well (hopefully) and then parent the rig to ensure it has the proper hierarchy for bones in wow (one root bone), bake the animations from the control rig to the game ready rig, convert the rig to wow-bones using  a Convert to wowbones script. at this point my model looks good, its animating well, and everything seems fine. I set up the M2, set the file paths for textures, set the animations for the M2, and go to export. at this point the model goes wonky once the export is done, positionally its all good, everything is where it should be, but proportions go out of wack, The arms will grow to three times the size, head and feet as well, body grows a bit(see the attached picture) Now it took a while just to get to this point, This model in particular is one I am using for testing reasons and not something i really want in game, but am trying to work the bugs out of my workflow. Any help would be appreciated.


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This is probably a question for WBS. Better re ask the question here.

EDIT : apparantly you already did, just saw the same message in question but under a different name, I assume this is you.

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