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Changing specific creature status to non-elite or vice versa

I've looking to tweak Rage FIre chasm in Orgrimmar for my vanilla project. So was thinking to change the status of some creatures in there from Elites to normal, or change in the Stockades some normal creatures to Elites. I'm using Brotalnia repack in order to fast check things, my question is this, do I have to modify a specific server file, cause after looking into mangos.conf I found general modifications regarding the Elite statuses, damage etc . Also checking into the client .dbc files, I couldn't locate any record that indicates a value that will turn elite to normal and the opposite. Neither CreatureModelData  had any value for that, as one of my initial thoughts. So I guess it is somewhere that I can't locate it. Thanks in advance

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I believe that I have found it, if I'm correct depending on your server EMU you will find it in the SQL tables. My SQL manager for some reason wasn't reading correct in the DB, so after changing it, I can now see creatures attributes normally. Need to alter the specific columns, re-apply and reload the SQL server.

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Sounds like you fixed this already, just got back to modding after a long break :p.


But yeah that data is handled in the Database -> Creature Template.

In there it will ask what rank the creature is . More info on that can be found on the wiki
Search for rank to see all the various ranks available.
For information to what rates everything is on you will have to check your worldserver.conf

All rates are configured or configurable there.

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Yes, it was there, but I didn't notice in the beginning that my DB manager wasn't looking correct. I replace it with Heidi's, and now I saw the differences. Unfortunately my database is under cMangos, I found their information about the DB tables on their website, they explain everything wonderful.

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yeah there is always some differences between cores, dont have much experience with cMangos in the past years sadly.
Sadly stumbled on it aswell not so long ago. DB looks very alike on most things, but there is always one or a few things that got changed :p.

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