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World map

Hello people, its been a while that I was on WoW Modding. After the models mod I started to work a project for vanilla but soon I felt that was time to take a break so I stashed it. Now I'm back and started to check things and try to get back where I left. So at the moment I'm wondering if I can change the world map, since Im working on editing and replacing some maps on vanilla, so the old world map is different from what it was introduced after TBC. Should be possible to change the old world map  to a newer version like TBC or WotLK? 

Thanks in advance





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Maybe I wasn't so clear, what I want to do is to change the old map texture that you see for vanilla and replace it with the newer version from WotLK, without touching the actual map itself. Just when pressing the map button you will be able to see the newer version. Can be happened, or I'll need to edit the whole or each zone in order to reflect the main one.

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If vanilla works the same way as WotLK your best bet is to look for the .blp chunks of the worldmap in your .mpq files. They should be in interface/worldmap/world/ or similar.
Extract them and take note of their names.
Do the same with the corresponding .blp files from WotLK, rename them correctly and make a new .mpq files with those textures in the correct path.

It is possible though thqat the highlight of the zones or continents in the in-game map will be a little offset from the new bap background.

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3 hours ago, Atraxian said:

If vanilla works the same way as WotLK your best bet is to look for the .blp chunks of the worldmap in your .mpq files. They should be in interface/worldmap/world/ or similar.
Extract them and take note of their names.
Do the same with the corresponding .blp files from WotLK, rename them correctly and make a new .mpq files with those textures in the correct path.

It is possible though thqat the highlight of the zones or continents in the in-game map will be a little offset from the new bap background.

Thanks lad, yes it works as WotLK, and indeed I found the files where you mention them. I did a test and replaced them thought it happened in this effect, as I thought it initially. On the World Map, you can see the old map highlighted in the back. If you click on E.Kingdoms, then you see the old map. So, I'm thinking that they possibly edit the world map for expansions, like using Noggit, and then created the chunks for the map images. Correct me here if I'm wrong, and it seems that I might have to edit the whole map, but no noggit for classic wow, only for 3.3.5a + . I have also something else in mind, but not sure if its going to work.


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I think the highlights are also part of the textures in the interface folder, but I'm not 100% sure where they are.
Same for the continent maps, I think you can find the textures in the interface folder.

EDIT:  for the continents
contain the textures + highlight for the continent maps

As for the positions of the points of interest, the highlights of each zone, ecc, I think most of them are stored in .dbc files relating to the maps,

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Yes, indeed, and thank you for helping track them faster. Ow, I feel sooo rusted. Anyway, now I have a long road to run in order to fix the offsets of the zones, since are off map completely. Long and heavy DBC editing in order to fix them too.

Eastern Kingdoms highlighted correct:


Funny zones offsets:


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It seems that I can't locate where exactly are the offsets for the zones, as you see on last picture, I tried on WorldMapArea as described here too, but no luck, all areas of E. Kingdom from both vanilla and WotLK are same. Also thought that AreaPOI might have something to do, but neither, that's for when you are on a map already, and you're checking the POI. Darn it, feel stuck now.


I think I found the highlighted overlays, yet I believe that  a .dbc file might be required

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So, I haven't managed to locate which .dbc might have the axis that need to be altered in order the zones be highlighted correctly on the regional map. I have checked WorldMapArea, WorldMapOverlay, AreaPOI which don't have any differences on the records to indicate any difference between them. I don't see any other .dbc that might lead me there, to be honest.

As shown here, zones are off completely.  Real puzzle! Anyone can assist on which file I need to look too?


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Right, 5 days passed and after many attempts and test's, as  WoWDev informs, still couldn't locate the correct file to make the changes for the zones. I guess it isn't one or none here in the forums is aware of that information in order to help.

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On 10/18/2023 at 1:35 PM, Uthil said:

Right, 5 days passed and after many attempts and test's, as  WoWDev informs, still couldn't locate the correct file to make the changes for the zones. I guess it isn't one or none here in the forums is aware of that information in order to help.

I strongly suggest you return to the blizzlike settings you had since worldmaps are a mess to work with if you wanna fix an issue.

World maps , the picture itself is something you can photoshop.

If this works in the same way as a normal map wich it probably does, you will have to find the correct piece since it's divided in 12 pieces:

When it comes to the worldmapoverlay, i never adjusted that. Have no idea how the actual highlighting goes.

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Yes it does, I'll have a look on that tutorial. My issue is that the highlighted zones look like they have wrong coordinates, check Undercity on the last picture where it shows up when you mouse over the area. By checking the WorldMapArea.dbc I didn't saw any changes on those values, from both files, vanilla version and WotLK version, they are actually the same. As WoWDev points, the coordinates are there. Maybe I have to follow the GPS command and test an area to see if I can align it correct to the world map. 

The worldmapoverlay actually highlights the map, as it says. If the coordinates of your map are correct, the highlight will show correct on the map. Means its actually a texture already fixed to that position. All that worked fine for me at the moment. Only zones are off.

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I'm having this issue for a project i'm working for. I'll keep you updated if I find anyting usefull to this.

Only DBC got changed so far on this project, so i'm assuming that's what causing it. I've only taken a quick look at it and assumed it was all handled there.
But if you say that the coordinates are correct on your client and the highlight isn't, yeah that makes it pretty weird.

But everything texture wise should be handled in Interface/ as Atraxian mentioned.
Some goes for AIO stuff, every highlight or change requires another texture.

The place should be handled in dbc or maybe the lua/xml that handles the worldmap.

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