
[SOLVED] Help on retroporting Tangled Dreamweaver mount

EDIT2: I finally managed to retroport the model and it seems to be working fine.
Many thanks to callumhutchy for his tutorial on how to retroport models. Most probably I was getting crashes because of the skin files (I tried to import the converted model into Blender and it didn't load the .skin files correctly). By following callumhutchy instructions I managed to retroport the creature.

I've been trying to retroport the new Tangled Dreamweaver mount to WotLK 3.3.5
I managed to export the filed from my client using wow.export (CASC viewer gives me some errors about unknown files when I try to extract the m2 and skin files).
I ran a TXID remover and the multiconverter without getting any errors and imported the files in my mpq.
Created a new line for the model infor and display info DBCs and imported them both into the client patch and the server.

Yet, when I try to morph into the model in-game the model doesn't show (not even the "model not found" checkered cube) and the camera freezes (yet, I'm still capable of moving around and the client doesn't crash, when I morph to nother model the camera gets back to its correct position.)

Has anyone goy any idea what I might be doing wrong?
Or may be if the listfile is still missing some of the files and the like?
Has anyone been able to successfully downport the model, yet?

Thank you in advance.

EDIT: toying around with the model, I managed to make a step forward (may be?) and have it load in the model viewer.
Now when I try to show it in the client I get a memory access error, but with memory locations different from the usual error I get when osmething isn't retroporting properly.
In an effort to throw things at the wall, hoping something sticks, I opened the file with 010 editor just to notice a vertice count of 24372. My noob's guess is that the model has a little too many triangles for the WotLK client to manage and have to reduce the polygons count somehow.





Edited by Atraxian
Solved my issue

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