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need help adding custom mount spells

Hello there.
I need your help with a problem i have when i am trying to add a custom mount spell.
There is something i am missing and i don't know where is my mistake.
ok let the story starts:

the model is converted for 3.3.5, wow model viewer shows it correctly 
I am adding the model and display id of the creature i want to use as a mount in the tables (CreatureDisplayInfo) and (Creaturemodeldata)

I am adding the edited database files in my server dbc folder and in a custom mpq patch
I am adding the display id to my sql database
I am creating in my database the creature in Creature_template with the display id

I am using wow spell editor and making a new spell with new ID cloning of an existing mount spell 

i am adding the new creature ID in the Misc value A 

Saving the new spell and then exporting it.

Replacing the exported spell.dbc files to my server dbc folder and in a custom patch.

So we are ready.
The spell exists,the mount creature display id works on an npc
I am learning the spell

It is ok in character mount/pet section ,but when i am trying to summon it , boom it makes me invisible .

What am i missing here?




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Something like that happened to me too.
I was trying to retroport some mounts using the "latest" version of the multiconverter.

I would advise you to try following this guide:

When it says to change the number of skins in the 010 editor, read it as "unit nViews"
Then instead of using the multiconverter linked there, try using the 3.0.0 version you find in the download section of this site.

Good luck

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