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Hello !

So, A friend of mine wanted me to make a skirt, for her female dwarf. 

The problem I have is that all my tools are obsolete, my blender wow tools for importing m2 to m2i, are broken. So I cannot make de modificiations.  I would love to know  if somone have the latest tools for this jobe, and where to find them.  Or how to properly set them up. 

Thank you!

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Game version? If we are talking 3.3.5a (and likely in other builds as well), the skirt is actually a texture type item, unless you want to actually edit the very geoset meshes on the character models, there is no job for you to perform in the 3D modelling department. All you need is create an item (world.item_template, Item.dbc), create a custom item displayID (ItemDisplayInfo.dbc) and make sure to set the item displayID's geosets correctly. For reference, use this: and literally any original blizzlike item which has a skirt on it.

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