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[3.3.5] Making Hunters use Focus instead of Mana.

So, title pretty much summarises everything. I want to make the Hunter class on my 3.3.5 server use Focus as a resource rather than Mana, as it is in Cataclysm. I tried mess about with the ChrClasses.dbc file, but it didn't really go to plan.

Does anyone know how I could go about this? I need the Hunters to actually have Focus as a resource rather than Mana before I can go about making their spells use Focus.

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Isn't like Mana a category in the DBC file ? Maybe you might need a new category created like focus and assign that too the class/classes. Not sure If im correct here since I haven't been messing around with CharClasses.dbc , just throwing an idea on the table.

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Implementing a new resource will be a hassle if you're still a novice, but you can start by cloning rogue logic (with energy) and see how it goes. 

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8 minutes ago, Callmephil said:

Implementing a new resource will be a hassle if you're still a novice, but you can start by cloning rogue logic (with energy) and see how it goes. 

True. This one is more possible to realize.

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I got it working. Focus is already a Resource used in 3.3.5 (used solely by Hunter pets). In the end I had to edit the Unit.cpp and Player.cpp files and rebuild so that they had a max Focus of 100, and could actually regenerate it. The entire issue boiled down to a few lines of code in each part of the TrinityCore files. It was not a 'brand new resource'.

Hunters still do have Mana currently as well, but while I'm still working on things, the important bit of "Make Hunters use Focus" is actually working.


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Well, I still need to finish reworking all their spells to use Focus instead of Mana, but I found a tool by I think StoneHarry for that particular pain of a DBC.

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