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Lord Arcanine

There are a way to increase max races on the client?

There are a way to increase max races on the client?

currently the client can have only 21 races, there are a way to increase that?


Ty in advance and have a good day :P

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Yes it is possible.

If u download one of the custom login or character screens u will get a file called characterselect and charactercreate.lua , I've seen maxclasses value in there u would have to change that.

U will also have to change the core side , because ur core is limited to 10 races aswell.

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11 hours ago, ixtemp said:

Theres hardcode on .exe, ya'll need to do some .exe changes.

No it isnt o.O..

Was very sure it wanst hardcoded, did a 2 minute search and voila
Core work , DBC , lua & sql work.

No need to touch the .exe , or remake ur client.

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11 minutes ago, UndeadMurky said:

did you even read ? there is an hardcoded race limit in the client

In the client yes, that's what i've been saying aswell. It's lua and dbc (clientside) but nothing u have to do with the .exe as ixtemp stated

u do however need a .exe that allows u to use lua script modding. Else u will get a message of ur client being corrupt. Wich u can find here in the download section

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On 10/2/2021 at 3:40 AM, Furioz said:

In the client yes, that's what i've been saying aswell. It's lua and dbc (clientside) but nothing u have to do with the .exe as ixtemp stated

u do however need a .exe that allows u to use lua script modding. Else u will get a message of ur client being corrupt. Wich u can find here in the download section

Yeah, sure.

Just try adding more. It will crash you af.

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The only need for a binary edit for something such as this, is increasing the class-race connection count, being each race can only have 10 classes tied to them. As you add races and possibly classes after the fact, this would then cause you to need to modify the .exe itself. Past this, you can have from what i've seen atleast 16 races without any binary edits, only lua/xml/coreside changes.

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Curious to know how you passed 21 races without crash at launch. Game uses bit check for skills/spells/language used by race. Wotlk is in 32x so you could use 31 races or 32 if you modify all the classmask spell used in class 0, but you need to edit the .exe, not just lua and xml editing.

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13 hours ago, 00017144 said:

The only need for a binary edit for something such as this, is increasing the class-race connection count, being each race can only have 10 classes tied to them. As you add races and possibly classes after the fact, this would then cause you to need to modify the .exe itself. Past this, you can have from what i've seen atleast 16 races without any binary edits, only lua/xml/coreside changes.

Thank you!

Been trying to get this through to ixtemp :p.

Also @ixtemp

Made by browler & me. Browler, a good friend and fellow developer ( he sells some of his incredible work here on MC),
we've been talking about the races for the last weeks so i'm pretty sure what i was saying was correct :).

And  @Lord Arcanine
You are very welcome :)

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10 hours ago, Furioz said:

Thank you!

Been trying to get this through to ixtemp :p.

Also @ixtemp

Made by browler & me. Browler, a good friend and fellow developer ( he sells some of his incredible work here on MC),
we've been talking about the races for the last weeks so i'm pretty sure what i was saying was correct :).

And  @Lord Arcanine
You are very welcome :)

Wooah, working 18 races, yahoo.

And we are talking about 21+ ya know?

Try adding more than 21 and tell me again about only lua and xml mods.

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19 hours ago, ixtemp said:

Wooah, working 18 races, yahoo.

And we are talking about 21+ ya know?

Try adding more than 21 and tell me again about only lua and xml mods.

Dont worry, i'll update u when we get to that point. Still some races to implement.

Also when ur right ur right, I've been very busy and havent properly read everthing.
the 21 mark is still a question for us, and as u mentioned it seems logical that they hardcoded it.
But as always there is a way to work around it or fix it.

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12 hours ago, Lord Arcanine said:

this is the problem i need to remove that hardcode u.u


Hmm would need to search for this, haven't gotten that far yet.

But if we assume that this is just a value, then I'd suggest using ollydbg & wow.exe.idb and debugging the wow.exe , and search for this 21 value in an argument.

Ollydbg can be googled & wow.exe.idb can be found here

In Olly u can debugg the application and adjust it, then test if it still crashes.

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3 minutes ago, Furioz said:

Hmm would need to search for this, haven't gotten that far yet.

But if we assume that this is just a value, then I'd suggest using ollydbg & wow.exe.idb and debugging the wow.exe , and search for this 21 value in an argument.

Ollydbg can be googled & wow.exe.idb can be found here

In Olly u can debugg the application and adjust it, then test if it still crashes.

Note that this will probably be related to other functions or things in wow.exe. So it might be a very hard one to pull this off. Maybe ask Alastor, i've seen he's been doing edits in wow.exe . Maybe he has seen stuff related to max races limit.

also wanted to edit it, double post was a small mistake xd

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