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Seeking support on various projects (3.3.5).

I am seeking (and willing to pay for) additional support with various retroporting  and custom projects for my 3.3.5 WoW server project. They are as follows:

Character Customisation: To retroport the Shadowlands customisation options for the various races available  on my server (including  all WotLK races + worgen and goblins).

Addon Backport: To retroport the Total Roleplay 3 Addon to 3.3.5, as I do not like Total Roleplay 1 and would much prefer the newest version of the addon.

Extended Transmog System: A version of the transmog system that has been extended with additional functionality to allow any and all items to be hidden, or replaced with any quality item of the same item material. I'd also like the addition of the 'Cosmetic' item type, to allow items that can be transmogged regardless of the item to be transmogged's material.

I am willing to negotiate on prices asked for, rather than set a hard limit on how much I am willing to pay, though my finances are a little tight, so payments may have to be made over multiple months for more expensive projects.

Please contact me on Discord if you're interested in the jobs: Snowcraft#2525

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