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Texturing trouble with noggit (ingame look)


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This is a bug with alphamaps. They seem to be misplaced. What if you reopen the map in Noggit? Stays the same?

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This is loooong known problem I have reported even several times Skarn (in both bugreport and for example also here: http://modcraft.superparanoid.de/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=8687&start=15 ). Noggit displays textures on terrain mispositioned a little bit. Alpha maps are applied correctly, because textures are applied exactly on spot where mouse cursor was in Noggit (so if circle is just barely touching a wall, texture will really barely touch a wall in game as well), but Noggit's terrain rendering is a little bit messed up.


EDIT: I was, of couse, clicking directly on cross between chunk and subchunk border. Result is quite obvious. However, in game is texture on that cross, so on spot where I clicked. This applies to brushes of all sizes.

My advice spectr? Draw by looking on circle, not by looking on where textures are appearing. There's no other solution for this as long as Noggit doesn't get repaired, and because we haven't seen a new revision for over a year (!), its quite unlikely anyone will ever get such things done.


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I am aware of the issue, yet I am not an active Noggit developer (sorry for that, but I simply do not have enough knowledge). This probablem does not seem to come from textures. It seems to come from brush fetching up coords incorrectly. I do not personally face this too often as I mostly texture with Photoshop.

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In the screen Amaroth posted the problem is that texture (or any kind of terrain modification) is applied based on the distance from the origin point (where your cursor is), and that distance is calculated using the top left corner coordinate of each chunk/subchunk thus making the circle a little bit off centred, and it's more visible with a small radius.


But for Simple_spectr's problem I don't know what's the cause, I've never noticed that. Maybe it's the same but it looks quite big :/

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Stupid Noggit :(
So, I understood. Thanks, Amaroth and Skarn also :) 
Skarn, mb you can ask AxelSheva about fix that? (idk when, but sometimes mb)

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Ah, no Skarn, Noggit is (most likely) getting correct cursor coordinates. What it IS doing wrong is rendering of textures themselves. As you can see on this screen, circle was really drawn correctly - in game it displays exactly as it should have - centered on cursor, not offset. So once again, coordinates are correct, but the way Noggit renders terrain (textures on it to be exact) is not.

All textures are moved by half (yep, half, so that note about middle of vs upper left corner of seems to be well aimed) of... what is it, texel or... whatever... to south-east in Noggit from position where they should (and in client will) really be. So, aim a liiittle bit more to north-west.


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7 minutes ago, Adspartan said:

The issue is solved as of this commit.

Great jopb. People would not mind the binaries I guess. We could run a Noggit testing page here as we used to with SDL 1.4.

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12 minutes ago, Skarn said:

Great jopb. People would not mind the binaries I guess. We could run a Noggit testing page here as we used to with SDL 1.4.

Yep, but when I sent mine to someone he got an error because MSVCP140.dll is missing (I'm using visual studio 2015) so people will need to install this to run it.

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