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Custom Map porting from 3.3.5a to Legion

Guys, I need a help. I have a custom map for 3.3.5a, it's located north of Plaguelands and it's full custom. But when I try convert it to Legion using this guide I got a message - "Et voila, your maps it's working. (Delete WDT, WDL, TEX files for this work)"
But I need TEX, WDT, WDL for my custom map. It contain data.
What to do?


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Probably a bit late, but here goes anyway.
Author of the wod -> legion script used in the tutorial above here.

If this is just custom ADTs on a blizzard map (north of plaguelands you say, so I would assume it's on the eastern kingdoms map), you shouldn't need to delete any of these files.
If however this is an entirely custom map, with a custom wdt and all, the adts are not the only things that must be converted.

I haven't checked if there was anything new on that for a while, but if there wasn't, I'm currently working on an improved version of that script to properly port everything, including the wdt for custom maps (though I can't guarantee anything on that, as this is something I don't know much about)

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