
Disable Exhausting?


i acutally played a bit in noggit and tryed some stuff, so i created a iland in the ocean on kalimdor, the only problem i have is that im permanently exhausted if im there :/

is there an option in noggit / wow to disable that? Using trinity core but couldnt find it in the settings

would be glad if there is an option to disable that or only disable it for the area i created


best regards


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when is Mmap/Vmap Extractor extracting NavMesh data its looking on Liquid Type if its Ocean then such region will be marked as area that server uses to give you exhaustion 
so you should make all water around your island an water not ocean in noggit then extract maps and give it to server 

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Hmmh im completely new to all that stuff, i only opened noggit, edited the iland in the water used mpq editor to pack it and copied the patch to the data folder...

so i thought u mean i should change all the water arround in noggit from ocean to water, what i did, but nothing changed ingame, i still get exhausted.

what i need exactly to do? is there no simple setting or something? :(

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yeah okay... i build the island to another spot, and try this any time later, want it quick and fast and not like 20 more steps, but thanks for that. If i have more time i try it

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yeah sounds right, as i said i try it when i have more time and want to do it, doesnt want to experiment right now with it, just want to learn the basics and stuff for noggit acutally, so i thought there would be an option ^^

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