

I guess its more then year old since it says that this skype is Brazil + that icon and fact that name of skype is including "dahaga" which was my (ACC) name on one WoW server so how it seems i guess its someone from there since my reputation there was little bit complicated :D

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3 hours ago, Skarn said:

Sounds pretty fucked up. By the way, guys, have you heard about this? https://en.nostalrius.org/ (Not advertisement, please care to open a link and read).

Heard about it some hours ago. It's a shame really, but I expected Blizzard to do something sooner or later.

They have said they will release the source and database. So that Nostalrius can live on, but i think we are going to see alot of "Nostalrius Resurrection" servers.

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It was going to happen any time, since they had a store plus that much activity that drew attentions from Blizzard. Also having their server in France was also a "bad"  idea since some laws from US could pass also to France.

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I don't even know how I managed to do this. (Every creature is named "Dovah Test NPC" and has the SW guard model)

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8 hours ago, Dovah said:



I don't even know how I managed to do this. (Every creature is named "Dovah Test NPC" and has the SW guard model)

One little misake in the sql script can cause things like that

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this made my day 



is he just jealous or he rly mock me for accepting commissions that ppl WANT ME TO DO ( i never pushed anyone rly they just come to ask me by themselves ) :D
or its joke ? i srsly have no idea here :D 

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On 16.06.2016 at 2:23 PM, Alastor Strix'Efuartus said:

is he just jealous or he rly mock me for accepting commissions that ppl WANT ME TO DO ( i never pushed anyone rly they just come to ask me by themselves ) :D
or its joke ? i srsly have no idea here :D 

Probably he means that, since you do really big modelling stuff for money, you do not pay attention to little details like the edits on that model. At least, that's how I can interpret what he's saying.

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Yeah, i couldn't understand the differences too since he didn't add a 2nd image so a comparison can be made.

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Screenshot taken during the closed beta of Overwatch, while they were working on the "random characters system" for the weekly brawl. Characters with bones of another one.

And there's some not taken by me.











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1 hour ago, Alastor Strix'Efuartus said:

best gif i have ever made 


this is what a voidlord look like xD

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I hate my country ... for community we have here iv been working on server under Amaroth's lead and i have made few contacts/friends there that was nice but for every one of them there was  more to hate me - OK i know that im not that nice to ppl often very much i can be quite offensive as fuck sometimes since i have my reasons to do so but how can you explain me that in  5 years  on modding scene of made quite nice friends too lets say ... Skarn,PhantomX,Raeef,Phucko (and few more) even if we were just talking about modding and nothing more it was nice experience and you know what ? in those 5 years iv made just one real hater i behave everywhere quite same then tell me wtf is wrong with my country ... even when i am all the time same guy why there is only 1 of 10 that can actualy understand to me and rest is just group of idiots that has never done anything useful for this wolrd ... yeah thats maybe a reason i hate ppl with big mouth when i see that they have never done anything admireable just shits sitting in front of internet without any ambitions or successes mocking everything they cant do since they are nothing more then just script kiddies

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You ain’t nobody until somebody hates you. Some people can only humble you cause of their jelaousness, instead of trying better than you. And that's the easiest way which soothe their miserable. Respect to each other is disappeared nowadays from people. 

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Well, as I said, just stop feeding them. They will eventually calm down as soon as they stop getting pleasure from it.

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